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2023.03.07.-ig indított, megvalósult képzések

Megnevezés Határidő Élménybeszámolók Részletek
AMONG OTHERS - NON FORMAL EDUCATION IN HEI 2016.02.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A szeminárium egy több éves nemzetközi együttműködés következő találkozója. Célja a nem formális oktatás hangsúlyosabb megjelenése a felsőoktatásban, illetve az interkulturális tanulás megjelenése a jövőbeli ifjúsági munkások tananyagában.
THE WINNER IS... 2016.02.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A képzés aktív EVS koordinátoroknak és mentoroknak szól, akik tapasztalatot cserélnének az önkéntesekkel történő együttműködésről, emellett nyitottak arra, hogy szélesítsék látókörüket az Erasmus+-ban rejlő EVS lehetőségekről.
DRAMA IN NON FORMAL LEARNING 2016.02.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A képzés célja, hogy a dráma eszközén keresztül fejlessze a résztvevők képzői kompetenciáit.
VIRTUAL MOBILITY IN YOUTH PROJECTS 2016.02.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A képzés arra helyezi a hangsúlyt, hogy a "virtuális mobilitásban" hogyan lehet az interkulturális kompetenciákat használni, illetve az Erasmus+ projektek a megvalósítás során hogyan segítik más kreatív megoldások megvalósítását.
E-WAVES 2016.02.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Szeretnéd megtudni, hogyan lehet egy projekt láthatóságát növelni? Meg szeretnéd ismerni milyen hatásai lehetnek egy projektnek? Ezen a képzésen lehetőséged lesz erre!
QUALITY MATTERS 2016.02.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A nemzetközi szeminárium a fiatalokkal közvetlenül foglalkozók számára módszertani segítséget kíván nyújtani a nemzetközi projektekben való részvételre készülő fiatalok hatékony felkészítéséhez. A program a különböző oktatási szektorokban tevékenykedők közös munkájára, tapasztalatcseréjére épít.
SPORT AS A TOOL FOR EDUCATION AND INCLUSION 2016.03.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A sport fontos szereppel bír társadalmunkban. A fiatalok bevonásával a sport nagyon hatékony tanulási eszköz lehet a társadalmi befogadás tekintetében is. Ennek lehetséges módjait hivatott körüljárni ez a spanyolországi képzés.
LOBBYING AND ADVOCACY IN YOUTH FIELD 2016.03.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training will develop the capacity of youth organizations to be sustainable and active in the process of protecting causes and defending positions; to develop youth workers in understanding the processes of lobbying and advocacy and confidence to use the tools in these fields.
MOVING THROUGH MOBILITY 2016.03.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Moving through Mobility - unlocking the potential of KA1 activities for your organisation
COACHING+ LTTC 2016.03.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Coaching+ LTTC on coaching in Erasmus+ for young people's development
APPETISER 2016.03.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Az Appetiser képzés-sorozat ezúttal Bulgáriában kerül megrendezésre. Olyan érdeklődőket várnak, akik még nem rendelkeznek nagy tapasztalattal a fiatalokkal való nemzetközi munkában és szeretnének megismerkedni az Erasmus+ pályázati lehetőségeivel.
FORMAL-NON FORMAL: YOUTH WORK IN SCHOOL 2016.03.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A szeminárium célja olyan projektek támogatása, melyek az iskolaelhagyás veszélyének kitett fiatalok fejlesztését célozzák.
INTERNATIONAL RURAL REGIONS 2016.03.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Az kis települések szervezetei számára kihívást jelenthet a humán erőforrás előteremtése nemzetközi projektek szervezésénél. A tanulmányúton lehetőség nyílik egy aktívan működő lengyel régió mint jó gyakorlat meglátogatására.
LEARNING PATHWAYS TO SOCIAL COHESION 2016.03.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The 2nd EUSDR Youth Platform aims at bringing together educators from the non-formal and formal education field, who have already cooperated in common projects, in order to exchange, reflect and value cross-sectoral cooperation in the Danube Region.
RE-ENGAGING PEOPLE WITH EDUCATIONAL BARRIERS 2016.03.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A 1.5 day cross-sectoral seminar to share practices, develop methods and approaches to target excluded groups, tackle barriers and widen participation in formal and non-formal learning.
BOOST UP! A REFLECTION SEMINAR FOR BENEFICIARIES 2016.03.23. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A szeminárium lehetőséget biztosít Erasmus+ projektmegvalósítók számára, hogy reflektáljanak korábbi tapasztalataikra és egymástól tanuljanak, így a jövőbeli projektek minősége javuljon.
NFL-BUSINESS: training course for youth workers 2016.03.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The TC aims at supporting the professionalization of the youth work sector in establishing contacts and cooperation with the business sector.
THE SOUND OF MUSIC II 2016.03.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A zene mint a nemformális tanulás eszköze: az ifjúsági területen aktív résztvevők különböző céllal (relaxáció, aktivizálás, együttműködés, visszajelzés) többféle módszert ismerhetnek meg.
YAM LEARNING! - Young People’s Learning Processes After Mobility 2016.04.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This TC aims to help Youth workers to support youngsters after a mobility experience. The participants will become aware of their role; share experiences; learn to generate impact; discover new working methods and enlarge their support network.
ZOOM IN - Facilitating Group Learning Processes Training Course 2016.04.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of "Zoom in TC" is to overcome on participants’ dilemmas, conflicts within or related to groups, and to reinforce the learning possibilities of each training situation by providing different techniques and methods. This training course deals with previous experiences when it was not easy to be facilitator and to turn it to a constructive learning experience. "Zoom in TC" is not an introductory overview about facilitating group learning procces thus invite facilitators, trainers with experience.
FOLLOW THE IMPULSE - IMPROVISATION AS A TOOL IN YOUTH WORK 2016.04.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Imagine you stand in front of a group and everything goes different than you expect. Your plans do not work out, you freeze and the level of inner anxiety is increasing immediately. The creative processes of the brain are blocked at that moment. How can you deal with these challenging ambiguous situations? Improvise! Improvisation is a skill that is commonly used every day, even though we might not be aware of it. We believe that practicing improvisation frees the mind and leads to the reduction of one’s inner anxiety and helps to act more confidently in unexpected situations.
LEARN TO F.L.Y. IN EVS 2016.04.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the training course is to improve the quality of EVS projects through empowering EVS actors to provide meaningful learning opportunities.
TRAINERS SKILLS WS 2016.04.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A képzés már tapasztalattal rendelkező, nemzetközi ifjúsági képzések szakmai levezetésében aktívan részt vevő képzőknek szól. A program támogatja a képzői munkához elengedhetetlen IT készségek fejlesztését.
THE STAR OF EUROPE 2016.04.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
“The Star of Europe” training tackles every phase of a youth exchange project and takes a step by step journey through participation and partnership by using visual material from the old Finnish game called “The Star of Africa”.
ATOQ BG - Advanced Training on Quality in Bulgaria 2016.04.11. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A képzés célja az ifjúsági cserék minőségének javítása a korábbi tapasztalatok figyelembe vételével, különböző szempontokat és a projekt menedzsmentben fontos kompetenciákat szem előtt tartva.
Seminar to sharing best practices on pre-departure training 2016.04.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Seminar to sharing best practices on pre-departure training aims to share good practices on pre departure training among evs organisations with a focus on the involvement of people with fewer opportunities.
MENTORING IN EVS 2016.04.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Mentoring in EVS aims to go deep into the Mentor and Tutor role to support better this key part of the EVS projects and try to understand the peculiarity.
LET'S EXPLORE- Refugees today in Europe. 2016.04.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A learning opportunity for youth workers who want to develop the capacity to raise awareness and address refugee related issues in their work with young people.
Regional workshop for EuroPeers in the Western Balkan region 2016.04.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This workshop is for young people who have participated in Youth in Action or Erasmus+:YIA projects. The workshop prepares them to independently share their experiences and inspire their local peers to get involved in European mobility programmes.
BiTriMulti (BTM) - Multilateral Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges 2016.04.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A képzés célja, hogy nemzetközi keretek között biztosítson az ifjúsági munkában aktív szakemberek számára olyan tanulási lehetőséget, amely hozzájárul minőségi ifjúsági cserék megszervezéséhez.
WAKE UP, GREEN UP! 2016.04.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This Training Course aims at developing the competences of youth workers to encourage and support young people’s active involvement in environmental issues.
FEEL THE RYTHM! V4+ROMA 2016.04.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The cross-country training course aims to show good, interesting and exciting examples of education and youth work within the Roma community and Erasmus+.
Let's coordinate! - Training course for EVS organisations 2016.04.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Whether you come from an experienced EVS organisation or from a newly accredited one, this training course will empower your organisation for coordinating EVS projects and bring more quality to the management of your future EVS projects.
impACT 2016.04.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the seminar is to share approaches, tools and methods related to quality impact measurement of Erasmus+ projects and youth work in general and how to successfully communicate this to others. impACT is a seminar addressed to youth workers, youth leaders, researchers and other professionals with an interest and some experience in using tools for measurement of the impact measurement /assessment of youth work activities.
GOING INTERNATIONAL - Europe at Your Reach 2016.04.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are you involved in youth work? Are you interested in adding an international dimension to your work? Are you looking for long-term co-operation and strategic international opportunities? Then this event is exactly for you!
TUNING IN: to Learning and Youthpass 2016.04.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This four-day training course provides practical support to facilitating learning in youth work activities, based on the concept of the Youthpass process. What is the learning potential of youth work, what kind of competences can young people develop?
EUtopia? -Diversity in Changing Europe 2016.05.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The activity addresses various implications of the European migrant crisis on youth from the perspective of understanding diversity in rapidly changing Europe.
CONNECTOR 2016 2016.05.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
In a nutshell: CONNECTOR is a space aiming to bring together practitioners passionate about learning in a participative and interactive manner, with a focus on practical experience. The event is based on sharing, learning and experimenting.
ART, DANCE AND SPORT 2016.05.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This PBA will offer the opportunity to establish a permanent international cooperation in the field of dance, art and sport activities, to increase the quantity and to improve the quality of KA1 Youth Exchanges (YE) projects.
EVS to tackle long term unemployment 2016.05.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This is a long term activity on how to establish reciprocal international EVS partnerships, based on local partnerships between youth organizations and employment offices to encourage long term unemployed young people (aged 18-30) to get involved in EVS.
YOUTH WORK EXPERT MEETING 2016.05.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Developing innovative non-formal education approaches between youth work and its collaborative partners to include young people with disadvantaged backgrounds in local society. Youth Work Expert Meeting with project visits
DEVELOPING DIGITAL YOUTH WORK 2016.05.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the Developing Digital Youth work seminar is to demystify the idea of digital youth work and identify common challenges. It will support organisations to develop digital youth work practices in their local context.
FORUM on Perspectives of European Cooperation in the Youth Field 2016.05.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The forum offers the opportunity to meet and reflect on the state of affairs of the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy.
BiTriMulti (BTM) Multilateral Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges 2016.05.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the BiTriMulti course is to offer an international learning experience for practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects; especially newcomers to this field
TRAINING OF TRAINERS for European Erasmus+ 2016.05.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The major aim of this training course is to train trainers who have the competences and the motivation to contribute to the improvement of the quality of projects within the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme of the European Union.
PROJECT FACTORY 2016.06.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Training course on cross-sectorial project development, involving and targeting youth at risk and in NEET situation.
Mobility Taster for Inclusion Organisations 2016.06.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Did you know you can organise international youth projects for your young people from disadvantaged backgrounds? Come and discover what Erasmus+ Youth can do for you!
TYE - Tools for Youth Exchanges 2016.06.14. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A Youth Exchange needs content – behind the content there are tools: This training helps to explore tools around group processes, (intercultural) learning, involvement of young people and more.
Youth Workers as Agents for Change 2016.06.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Dialogue your way out of conflict – equipping youth workers to improve cohesion and trust when working with youth and communities. This training will give you skills to bring people together, and to create space for dialogue and social transformation.
Learning programme “Youthful Europe” – Western Balkan edition 2016.06.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The activity provides youth work practitioners with a space to explore and critically reflect different approaches towards Europe through identity, values and active participation, and to promote the notion of Europe as an opportunity.
EVS NEWCOMERS CONTACT MAKING SEMINAR 2016.07.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Has your organization just been accredited as EVS org and you don’t know how to find EVS partners? Are you a sending org searching for good projects for your candidates or a host org wishing to receive good volunteers and not to have surprises? Yes?
SUPERANNUAL MEETING 2016.07.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
EVS értékelő találkozó.
PROMOTE YOURSELF! - Long-term training on visibility, dissemination and exploitation of results 2016.07.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of this long-term training is to offer support for the applicants and beneficiaries of the programme for successful planning and implementation of visibility and DEOR strategies within their Erasmus+ projects.
YSE - Youth and School Exchanging 2016.07.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
GTC targeted at staff of organizations active in the youth field and lower and upper secondary schools interested in preparing projects containing youth exchanges in the field of Youth and School Education in Erasmus+ programme.
11th ECONOMIC FORUM OF YOUNG LEADERS 2016.07.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Economic Forum of Young Leaders is one of the biggest international social and economic meeting of young leaders.
ATOQ SK - Advanced Training on Quality in Slovakia 2016.07.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
ATOQ training course aim at increasing quality within youth exchanges. Based on previous exchanges, an international group of youth workers will focus on quality aspects and improve management competences in order to raise quality of future exchanges.
TOOL FAIR XI - #ReadyfortheRoad - Tools|Solidarity|Inclusion 2016.07.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Tool Fair XI will focus on "Tools for Solidarity and Inclusion" through innovative youth work approaches to reach out and support young people at risk of marginalisation and social exclusion, including young people with a migrant or refugee background.
YOUTHPASS TOOLS FOR EMPLOYABILITY 2016.07.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The TC aims to explore and experiment with tools linking the Youthpass process and the Human Resource Development learning and training cycles to support youth employability through strength-based approaches for personal and professional development.
EVS 20th ANNIVERSARY EVENT 2016.07.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The French NA organizes a 2 days event near Paris in order to celebrate the 20th EVS anniversary and reflect on the future of European Voluntary Service.
I REJECT, DO YOU? 2.0 2016.08.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Training course for youth workers & youth leaders who want to learn about successful and innovative tools to prevent and fight against gender based violence and how to develop critical thinking in youth about what GBV is to generate healthy behaviors.
Making Art with Youth 2016.08.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The seminar focuses in youth work with cultural methods. With examples by youth work, cultural institution and production experts the seminar is open to discussion and comparison. The seminar will focus also in up-to-date research.
Antidiscrimination education across Erasmus+ Youth projects 2016.08.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim of the TC is to describe and discuss types of discrimination youth workers and young people can face how to deal with those and what tools to use if it appears during youth projects.
EUROPEAN VOLUNTEERING FORUM 2016.08.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
On the occasion of 20 years of EVS, the European Volunteering Forum offers the opportunity to promote the impact of transnational volunteering, learn from good practices, identify current challenges and develop perspectives for the future.
APPETISER 2016.08.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
An introduction on how to use the ‘Erasmus+ Youth in Action’ Programme for international youth work
HOW CSR WORKS?- how the Corporate Social Responsibility can appear in Erasmus+ Youth Programme 2016.08.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
An international training course that offers opportunity to gain useful knowledge, skills and guidelines how to build cooperation with business sector, with the specific focus on Corporate Social Responsibility and fundraising.
An introduction to the Danish formal and non-formal educational system 2016.09.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
During the study visit the participants will be introduced to the Danish formal and non-formal educational system and experience different educational institutions and learn about the diverse challenges and solutions in different settings and locations.
Time to show off! MIND-SETS of youth workers in supporting learning through youth mobilities 2016.09.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This five-day training course provides a learning environment for youth workers to reflect on their approaches, practices and experience with a specific focus on supporting learning of young people in youth work, particularly in youth mobilities. This training course is part of a long term project of the NAs of the Netherlands, Hungary, Slovakia and SALTO Training and Cooperation including a research element and a future international seminar in 2017 involving youth worker education and training providers.
Towards collaborative practice 2016. Forum on social innovation and entrepreneurship 2016.09.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A cross-sector event providing an interactive and dynamic space enabling participants to share experiences/tools/methods, network and produce innovative ideas and projects.
Recognising learning for You(th)! 2016.09.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The TC is on recognising learning through non-formal learning activities, for youth workers and youth leaders working with young people.
CMS In Net 2016.09.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Contact Making Seminar In-net is a project directed to organizations working with physically disabled young people in the field of non-formal education.
BRIDGES FOR TRAINERS 2016.09.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Bridges for Trainers offers a platform to debate trends and hot issues related to training in the youth field – national and international. In 2016 Bridges will provide a space to discuss current challenges of societies and their effects on young people!
Tipping Point - Understanding and Tackling Extremism 2016.09.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Training course for youth practitioners, working directly with young people who are vulnerable to religious or political radicalisation.
PBA MAKE THE MOVE III 2016.09.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A contact making seminar organized in order to promote partnerships and develop quality Youth Exchanges with a strong focus on Inclusion.
BREAKING BARRIERS - Erasmus+ activities involving young people with disabilities 2016.09.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Breaking Barriers is a training course for youth workers/youth work practitioners that work directly with young people with disabilities and are interested in engaging in Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Activities.
SOHO PT 2016.09.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
EVS küldő, vagy fogadó szervezettel dolgozol? Fontos, hogy az általad küldött/fogadott önkéntesek, minőségi projektekben vegyenek részt? A képzés olyan módszertannal és EVS-hez kapcsolódó tudnivalókkal szolgál, amely az európai önkéntes szolgálatban részt vevő küldő és fogadó szervezeteknek hasznos a további munkájukban.
DEMOCRACY RELOADED: Dialogue between public authorities and young people 2016.09.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training aims to develop the necessary competences to efficiently plan, implement, sustain and reform local participative structures.
DIGITOOLS 2016.09.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The use of IT tools in the design and development of E+ projects. Digitool E+TC is a space for users of E+ to exchange their experience and to learn about new digital resources, tools, networks, platforms… available to make our daily work within E+ easier.
TICTAC - Multilateral Training Course to support quality in youth worker mobility activities 2016.10.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
TICTAC is targeted at voluntary and professional youth workers and youth leaders interested in using international cooperation to enhance their local development strategies, it supports designing quality Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme projects.
CHERRY ON THE CAKE – increase the visibility of your Youth Exchange 2016.10.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The 3rd international training course “Cherry on the cake” will focus on the aspects of visibility as well as dissemination and exploitation of results aiming at increasing the impact of Youth Exchanges.
EMPLOYABILITY AMBASSADORS 2016.10.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Employability Ambassadors aims to equip participants with a set of tools to effectively foster employability within their local communities. Thus, informative resources will be provided and social competences developed throughout the activity.
THE WINNER IS: EVS 2016.10.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
German speaking training for project managers and mentors in the European Voluntary Service
Ignite the spark, Participation Lab 1: How to give young people with fewer opportunities a voice? 2016.10.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The 1st participation lab of “Ignite the spark” explores how we can empower underrepresented groups for participation in democratic life. In this lab we want to learn, share and experiment what youth workers and multipliers could do to be helpful in this.
It's time to move! Transitioning From Youth Work To Social Entrepreneurship 2016.10.14. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This 5 days training will equip participants with the competences useful in social entrepreneurship and innovation, so in result they will be able to support the organizational change in their organizations.
ATOQ NL- Advanced Training on Quality in the Netherlands 2016.10.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
ATOQ training course aim at increasing quality within youth exchanges. Based on previous exchanges, an international group of youth workers will focus on quality aspects and improve management competences in order to raise quality of future exchanges.
STEP INTO STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS - 2nd edition 2016.10.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A basic training course with the aim of supporting the first steps of potential applicants into medium and large-scale Strategic Partnerships in the youth field.
APPETISER 2016.11.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The TC amis to give a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
BiTriMulti (BTM) - Multilateral Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges 2016.11.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the BiTriMulti course is to offer an international learning experience for practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects;especially newcomers to this field.
MOOC on “Erasmus+ Funding Opportunities for Youth" 2016.11.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
KA1 and KA3 E-learning Course
NO HATE - Training Course 2016.11.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training is intended for youth workers who would like to learn more about hate speech online. The aim of the training course is to learn more about the tools and methods to address this and to work with young people to counteract hate speech online.
The Power of Non Formal Education 2016.11.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A hollandiai képzés a nem formális tanulás hatásának, alapelveinek és módszereinek fejlesztéséről szól, valamint a fiatalok, mint valós társadalmi szereplők számára (lokálistól az európai szintig), lehetőségek teremtéséről.
MOBILITY TASTER FOR INCLUSION ORGANISATIONS - Turkey 2016.12.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Did you know you can organise international youth projects for your young people from disadvantaged backgrounds? Come and discover what Erasmus+ Youth can do for you!
MENTOR PLUS- Improving mentorship in EVS 2016.12.11. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training invites active EVS mentors who feel the need of developing their competences and improving the quality of their mentorship. They will reflect on the roles, responsibilities and challenges in Mentoring and share experiences and practices.
Visibility and DEOR: Extiende la llama 2016.12.11. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course is about Visibility and DEOR, as well as many participants in Erasmus+ programme don't know what exactly mean these concepts, sometimes there are mistakes between what is visibility and what is dissemination, or what could be considered a result.
Improving Your Communication Skills T.C. 2016.12.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
If you and your organization want to take part in an international project under E+ but you feel that your weakness of communication skills, and practice of English, within the frame of Erasmus+ is an obstacle, this training course is what you need.
iLOOP 2 - including Learning Outcomes in Our Projects 2017.01.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
How can we include "learning" during the whole project: preparation, application procedure, development and evaluation process? Is already “Learning” a key part of our projects? …for all the people involved in it?also for the team involved in the project?
europe@DJHT - Creating a social and fair Europe for all young people 2017.01.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
It's Europe’s biggest event in youth work and child & youth welfare: europe@DJHT will offer you a rich 4-day programme in Düsseldorf. You will meet professionals from all over Europe & get an insight in the various fields of child & youth welfare.
stART-up your creative exchange 2017.01.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Partnership-building Activity with training elements to support newcomers in Erasmus+ Youth in Action in finding project partners and developing quality youth exchanges with dance, (street)art, music, theatre or other creative forms as a tool.
NEWCOMERS IN EVS 2017.01.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training course “Newcomers in EVS” will guide the representatives of the newly accredited EVS organisations towards better understanding of the different quality aspects of EVS and support their partnership building for future co-operations.
The Power of Non Formal Education 2017.01.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
PERFECT CRIME- training course for more inclusive youth exchange projects! 2017.01.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Make a tandem of youth worker and young person and explore world of youth Exchange projects through simulation of perfect crime!
Inclusion of Migration Policies in Youth Platforms 2017.02.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
By gathering young migrants, diaspora representatives and people involved in youth organizations, this seminar aims to share, discuss and elaborate specific policies to integrate young migrants and refugees into youth platforms.
TYE - Tools for Youth Exchanges 2017.02.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A Youth Exchange needs content – behind the content there are tools: This training helps to explore tools around group processes, (intercultural) learning, involvement of young people and more.
EVS P.M.- EVS Project Management 2017.02.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training is a non-formal education activity which tends to support the development of EVS projects under the ERASMUS+. Its aim is to facilitate the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for a quality approach in projects and activities of EVS.
FROM KNOWING TO BEING 2017.02.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This new training course is addressed to trainers training trainers and youth workers and educators of youth workers, who are ready to live through and reflect on using and applying competence models with a specific focus on attitudes, values and inner readiness.
DIG-IT up! Training course on including digital tools in Youth work 2017.02.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of this training course is to provide new knowledge and skills and find creative ways on how to combine analog & outdoor activities in youth work with digital tools and apps that are used by youngsters through a hands-on approach and experience.
COMETS – Integrating a political dimension into the trainers’ work 2017.02.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Training for Trainers on integrating a political dimension into the trainers’ work based on the ETS competence model for trainers working at international level.
YOUTH WORK IN CLOSED INSTITUTIONS 2017.02.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Activity aims at giving opportunity for staff members of closed institutions (detention services, prisons, refugee camps etc.) to exchange experiences and practices in working with young people and explore role of non- formal learning there.
THE PLUS OF ERASMUS+: ideas matching and project management in the youth field 2017.02.26. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course aims to offer a complete overview of the opportunities provided by each Key Action of ERASMUS+ Programme in the field of Youth. Participants will gain knowledge, tools and motivation needed to carry out specific quality projects.
COMMUNICATION IN ACTION: communicational strategies and resources for Erasmus Plus projects 2017.02.26. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training on social communication is dedicated to develop and disseminate good practices in the field of communication strategies for E+ projects, to recognize and use them as a resource and reference point for the next generation of youth projects.
Non-formal Learning in Higher Education: Developing Intercultural Competence 2017.03.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This seminar will be held within the long-term TCA project ‘Among Others’, aimed at exploring how non-formal methods can be used to enhance and develop intercultural competence in higher education.
"Children and Youth on the Net” - European Expert Conference on Youth and Digital Media 2017.03.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Children and adolescents are surrounded by digital media, which have become highly interconnected. However, being immersed in the media like “fish in water” with access to online content almost anytime and anywhere poses challenges not only for kids.
The Power of Non Formal Education - BG 2017.03.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
Short Study Visit: Sportive Step for Youth Participation 2017.03.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of this activity is to gather organizations and youthworkers that are from the sport field and to introduce them the examples of using sport as a tool in youthwork in Turkey
SET YOUR STORY FREE TC 2017.03.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of this course is to increase awareness of participants on innovative storytelling techniques on self-empowerment and also enable participants to support the young people they work with in the development of their personality and development and to plan their pathway in life.
Lobbying and Advocacy in the Youth field 2017.03.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training develops the capacity of youth organizations to be sustainable and active in the process of protecting causes and defending positions.
THE POWER OF WORDS 2017.03.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training focuses on communication skills, to help think critically about information, and develop meaningful communication for youth work.
SOHO - European Training Course for EVS Support People 2017.03.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
SOHO aims at enhancing quality of EVS projects through development of essential competences of support persons. It also provides up-to-date information to its participants on the opportunities given by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme.
TICTAC - Multilateral Training Course to support quality in youth worker mobility activities 2017.03.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
TICTAC is targeted at voluntary and professional youth workers and youth leaders interested in using international cooperation to enhance their local development strategies, it supports designing quality Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme projects.
SOHO - European Training Course for EVS Support People 2017.03.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
SOHO aims at enhancing quality of EVS projects through development of essential competences of support persons. It also provides up-to-date information to its participants on the opportunities given by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme.
iNFLuence+ : To make an influence supporting life skills with non-formal learning training course 2017.03.23. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Do you want to develop yourself further as a youth worker by using new tools & acquire effective methods for empowering youngsters? Let's explore different ways of making a positive influence on young people with non-formal learning tools.
Ignite the spark, Participation Lab2: What is the future of civic/political education? 2017.03.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The 2nd participation lab of “Ignite the spark” focuses on whether there is a role for youth work + civic education in defense of democracy, European values? It further explores initiatives of civic education and encourages multipliers to take action.
"ONE 2 ONE" supporting learning face-to-face Training course 2017.03.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Have you ever felt confused about your role with the young people you work with? Do they see you as a coach? Mentor? Tutor? Can you work with groups, but find it difficult to work with individuals? Have you never had a tetralemma? YES?
REFUGEES+ 2017.03.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Refugees+ aims to develop the capacity and competences of youth workers to raise awareness of young people about refugee-related issues in order to support the inclusion of refugees in society. The programme is build on the method of non-formal learning.
TOF – TRAINING OF FACILITATORS of ERASMUS+ YOUTH 2017.03.26. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
If you are interested to gain experience in youth work within the non formal education frame, and how to facilitate activities, this course is for you.
Ignite the spark, Lab 3: Participation as support to youngsters at risk in education / labour market 2017.03.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The 3rd participation lab of “Ignite the spark” explores how participation can support young people who are in difficult educational and work situations. In this lab we want to learn, share and experiment.
Let's coordinate! - Training course for EVS organisations 2017.03.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course is designed for EVS organizations that have intermediate to advanced level of experience with coordinating activities.
VALUES EDUCATION THROUGH SPORT PBA 2017.04.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Sport has the power to provide a universal framework for learning values, thus contributing to the development of competences of young people.
University Study Visit: Youth and Community Work in Scotland 2017.04.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This study visit will be taking place in Scotland, UK focusing on Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and other education and training establishments involved in Community Learning and Development (CLD) and Youth Work training programmes.
My Favourite Mistake - A training course on supporting positive learning from mistakes 2017.04.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of this training course is to focus on learning, how we can come to a new approach for dealing with mistakes and how we can support young people in dealing with mistakes in a positive, constructive way. We will use different methods and techniques, with a strong influence of theatre and reflective techniques, creating an atmosphere in which making mistakes is being experienced, explored and reflected upon.
Power of Positivity : Promoting positive mental health and well-being in youth exchanges 2017.04.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Power of Positivity (POP) is an opportunity for youth workers and newcomers to meet a develop Erasmus + Youth Exchanges, particularly projects working across the theme of the promotion of balanced well-being of young people.
Get up, Stand up! A training course on democracy and active citizenship in the field of youth work 2017.04.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Get Up, Stand Up! training course explores the complexity of democracy and active citizenship in youth work. It aims at transforming reflections into actions for youth participation.
EASTERN PARTNERSHIP YOUTH FORUM 2017.04.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The activity will be the third conference dedicated to issues which matter young people, organised in the margins of the Eastern Partnership Summit. The previous youth fora took place in Lithuania (2013) and Latvia (2015) focusing on social inclusion and employment/employability respectively.
English language training course for youth workers 2017.04.14. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim is to break the language barrier and motivate youth workers active at the local/national level to start organize projects under Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme, especially in Key Action 1.
FACILITATE INCLUSION! 2017.04.14. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are you working with young people with fewer opportunities and you wish to add a "taste" of E+ to your development? Are you involved in E+ projects and you want to be more inclusive through your activities? Then you are in the right place!
BiTriMulti (BTM) - Multilateral Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges 2017.04.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the BiTriMulti course is to offer an international learning experience for practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects;especially newcomers to this field
Passion for learning - TC on how to support young people better in their learning process 2017.04.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are you ready to dive into learning? To explore your own motivation behind learning and look for ways to raise motivation for learning of young people? You’re welcome to join the journey leading to higher quality in your daily youth work!
Re-engaging People with Educational Barriers in Non-Formal and Formal Learning 2017.04.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A four-day cross-sectoral seminar to share and develop best practices, methods and approaches, that re-engage excluded groups towards tackling educational barriers, with a view to ultimately widen participation in formal and non-formal learning.
IT tools in non-formal education of young people 2017.04.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the training course is to provide digital knowledge and skills and find creative ways on combining analog and open-air activities in youth work with digital tools and apps that are used by youngsters, through a hands-on approach and experience.
READY2START? : Non-formal Learning as a Tool to Support Entrepreneurial Skills Development Training 2017.04.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of this training is to bring all related parts and to share Non-formal learning methods in order to create a platform for result oriented discussion with concrete recommendations.
Makerspaces in digital youth work 2017.05.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A hands-on training course for youth workers who want to set up an international network in the field of digital youth work and creative e-skills.
GET TRANSNATIONAL! Transnational Youth Initiatives, entrepreneurship and youth participation. 2017.05.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The TC is about how to prepare, run and evaluate qualitative transnational youth initiatives for young people within the new ERASMUS + Programme. This is the 3rd edition of this training course.
Linguistic Workout! English communication competences for transnational youth projects 2017.05.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This TC aims to improve communication competences in English with a functional methodology focusing on international youth work within Erasmus+. It targets participants seeking to build partnerships and develop international youth projects.
Social Entrepreneurship Study Visit - Towards Collaborative Practice 2017 2017.05.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Calling all social innovators and social entrepreneurs! Bristol is the UK's first social enterprise city- this study visit of its exciting social enterprises will equip and inspire your budding social entrepreneurial competences and Erasmus+ projects.
Massive Open on-line Course (MOOC) 2017.05.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This MOOC on social communication is dedicated to disseminate good practices in the field of communication strategies for Erasmus Plus projects, to recognize and use them as a resource and reference point for the next generations of youth projects.
ALL 4 INCLUSION 2017.05.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This TC focuses on encouraging and empowering youth workers, social workers to start inclusive projects with mixed ability groups through Erasmus+ projects. Our aim is to make the E+ more inclusive, accessible for young people with fewer opportunities.
Another extraordinary Experience. The colour of pomegranate 2017.05.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The activity aims to create strong ties among participating EVS coordinators and their organisations as well as to learn about EVS realities in Armenia. Concept of the activity is built on idea of experiential, adventure learning and outdoor pedagogy.
“Cherry on the Cake” – Encouraging active citizenship through Youth exchange 2017.05.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training explores the role of Youth Exchanges in long-term work with young people. The 4th international edition will focus specifically on how Youth Exchanges empower young peoples’ European citizenship.
CONNECTOR 2017 2017.05.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
CONNECTOR is a space aiming to bring together professionals passionate about learning in a participative and interactive manner, with a focus on practical experience. The event is based on sharing, learning and testing.
THE SOUND OF MUSIC III 2017.05.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This course is for youth workers to explore the power of music in non formal education activities with young people with different aims (to relax, to activate, to cooperate, to reflect, to promote learning, etc)
From Passive to Active: New Approaches to Youth Participation! 2017.05.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim of the training course is to train youth workers so they are able to create new ways of active youth participation in civil society. Participants can learn about good practices and develop new methods to foster youth participation.
DEMOCRACY, YOUTH AND SPORT 2017.05.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The 2 day seminar that will focus on cross-sectoral approaches for the active participation and engagement of young people in civic and democratic life through sport.
PBA "Make the Move IV" 2017.05.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The activity is aiming to promote partnerships and develop quality Youth Exchanges, with a strong focus on Inclusion.
OPEN ACCESS II 2017.05.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The activity is for Youth workers on involvement for access of young people with physical or mental disabilities in Erasmus Plus Youth in Action Programme.
Training of Trainers for European Erasmus+ 2017.06.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The major aim of this training course is to train trainers who have the competences and the motivation to contribute to the improvement of the quality of projects within the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme of the European Union.
MOBILITY TASTER for Inclusion Organisations New to Erasmus+ 2017.06.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Did you know you can organise international youth projects for your young people from disadvantaged backgrounds? Come and discover what Erasmus+: Youth can do for you!
The Incubator - LESS work for MORE impact 2017.06.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course aims to support different stakeholders in the youth field to identify, understand and design which concrete action is the best tool towards the desired local social change/transformation (based upon the assessed needs).
SOHO - European Training Course for EVS Support People 2017.06.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The SOHO training course is designed for those who are directly involved in the support system around the EVS volunteer (e.g. mentors and task-related support persons) on the hosting, sending and coordinating side. The support people play a crucial role in providing conditions for a quality voluntary service and creating opportunities for volunteer’s learning in EVS.
Training and Trainers in the field of youth - Changes and Challenges 2017.06.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
“Training and Trainers in the field of youth - Changes and Challenges” supports trainers active at local and/or national level in the field of youth.
12th ECONOMIC FORUM OF YOUNG LEADERS 2017.06.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Economic Forum of Young Leaders is one of the biggest international social and economic meeting of young leaders. The main aim is to strengthen cross-sectoral cooperation among young leaders from programme and EECA countries and policy makers.
Step into Strategic Partnerships 2017.06.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training supports the first steps of potential applicants into medium and large-scale Strategic Partnerships aiming at innovation in the youth field.
EVS NEWCOMERS CONTACT MAKING SEMINAR 2017.07.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Has your organization just been accredited as EVS org. and find EVS trustable partners? Are you a sending org. searching for good projects for your candidates or a host org. wishing to receive volunteers? This right place to make good EVS contacts.
E+ dorphins, boosting sports in Erasmus+ youth projects 2017.07.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
E+ dorphins is an international training course for organisations that use sports as a methodology. It aims at boosting the development of European youth projects with a sports focus within the Erasmus+ Youth in Action.
Shadow the culture 2017.07.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The seminar is dedicated to workers from cultural institutions (museums, libraries etc.) who work with youth using non-formal education methods.
Ready for World - Tools to guide young people in their future life 2017.07.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Sharing and shaping the best practices of delivering information, guidance and counselling concerning the future life of young people.
TOOL FAIR XII - Waves of Innovation 2017.07.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Tool Fair XII – Waves of Innovation shall provide a stimulating environment for innovative pedagogical approaches & practices to respond to the challenges of an everlasting changing context with a focus on the European Commission Youth Priorities for 2018.
Sports for Peacebuilding and Inclusion of minorities 2017.07.23. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The world is facing challenges connected with violence, discrimination and xenophobia. Sports as international language can be the link for Peacebuilding and intercultural education. Inclusion of different backgrounds' people can be achieved using sports.
EMPOWERING GIRLS: Jump in international youth work 2017.07.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training will be adressed to young potential female youth/youthworkers or trainers who would like to start their international experience.
Kaboom! - Seminar on Innovative Communication Practices 2017.07.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Kaboom! will offer an insight to some of the best communication practices from various youth projects and explore how the innovation can support the creation of added value in new and existing communication practices and activities in youth field.
Rural Study Visit in South-West Finland 2017.08.11. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Small organisations in rural areas can find human resources as a challenge in organising international youth projects. This study visit shows good practices in one region in Finland. Rural areas can be international too!
FITA 4 – From Idea To Action 2017.08.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
From Idea to Action 4 is the fourth edition of a 5 days training which target youth workers and youth leaders. The main aim is to empower participants to develop their competences promoting and supporting Youth Entrepreneurship in social field.
Seminar "Under the same roof - How to work cross-sectorally on inclusion" 2017.08.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A stakeholder seminar on cross-sectoral cooperation for young people with fewer opportunities, notably Roma youth, in order to enable their active involvement and integration in society.
All 4 Inclusion (Phase.1) 2017.08.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This TC focuses on encouraging and empowering youth workers, social workers to start inclusive projects with mixed ability groups through Erasmus+ projects. Our aim is to make the E+ more inclusive, accessible for young people with fewer opportunities.
BiTriMulti (BTM) - Multilateral Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges 2017.09.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the training is to offer an international learning experience for practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects;especially newcomers to this field
TICTAC - Multilateral Training Course to support quality in youth worker mobility activities 2017.09.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
TICTAC is targeted at voluntary and professional youth workers and youth leaders interested in using international cooperation to enhance their local development strategies, it supports designing quality Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme projects.
ATOQ GR- Advanced Training on Quality in Greece 2017.09.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training course is aiming increasing quality within youth exchanges. Based on previous exchanges, an international group of youth workers will focus on quality aspects and improve management competences in order to raise quality of future exchanges.
MENTOR plus - Improving mentorship in EVS 2017.09.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim of the training is to increase the quality of mentoring in EVS and to support active mentors working with their volunteer(s).
Destination: Youth Participation 2017.09.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The activity is aiming to equip participants with competencies and tools enabling them to foster young people’s activation and participation in society.
The Insightrainer Creatrainer Workshop Series II: Visuals and Comics 2017.09.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This is part of a workshop series with the overall objective of increasing the quality of the work done by trainers in the youth field.
The Insightrainer Creatrainer Workshop Series I: CREATIVE WRITING 2017.09.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This workshop is part of a series with the overall objective of increasing the quality of the work done by trainers in the youth field.
WAKE UP, GREEN UP! 2017.09.14. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This Training Course aims at developing the competences of youth workers to encourage and support young people’s active involvement in environmental issues.
Queer it up! - including Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity 2017.09.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This TC will provide participants with the necessary competences to include sexual orientation and gender identity in youth work practice, and to combat prejudice and discriminatory attitudes.
“Raise your voice for tomorrow’s Europe” 2017.09.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The forum gathers various stakeholders in the field of youth to explore relevant policies and practices connected to the education for democratic citizenship with a European dimension, gain new insight on the topic and develop inspiring responses.
APPETISER - An introduction on how to use the Erasmus+ YiA for international youth work 2017.09.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
The winner is: EVS 2017.09.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Training for project managers and mentors in European Voluntary Service (EVS) who would like to exchange experiences, get some information about the general and specific conditions of an EVS and want to learn more about working with volunteers.
EMPLOYABILITY AMBASSADORS 2017.09.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Employability Ambassadors equips participants with a set of tools to effectively foster the employability of their target groups within their local communities. Thus, informative resources will be provided and social competences developed in it.
Strategic Partnerships Plus- Innovation in education 2017.10.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The three days event is aiming to develop viable cross-sectoral Strategic Partnerships in order to be submitted under Key Action 2. The thematic focus for this year will be Innovation in education.
PROFIT: cooperation between organizations working with youth and business sector 2017.10.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The TC will provide participants with the possibilities to explore links among NGO’s and business sectors as well as to learn more about Social Corporate responsibility: forms, methods, needs of business, best practices, role of NGO’s.
Conference Digital Youth Work 2017.10.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Conference will bring togehter 100 – 120 youth workers and youth work stakeholders from Europe and create a space to examine the concept of digital youth work from diverse angles.
The Power of Non Formal Education 2017.10.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
Recognise it! Continue to develop strategies for recognition of youth work! 2017.10.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training course aims to explore and support further the development of recognition strategies of youth work at national level and led by NGO strategies within the South Med and European regional cooperation.
Work with young people in NEET situation 2017.10.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The overall aim of the TC is to improve life situation of young people in NEET situation through building capacity of experts with particular focus on outreach and involvement through non-formal methods
Flash workshop “International cooperation for newcomers” 2017.10.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The TC is amiming at encouraging newcomers to start international projects in Erasmus+ Youth Programme. 20.11.2017 - arrival day 21-23.11.2017 - working days 24.11.2017 - departure day
PACE – Peace Action Cooperation in Europe 2017.10.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Long term Training Course PACE aims to enhance the competences of youth educators and peer educators in planning, implementing and evaluating educational short-term activities on peace education in order to empower young people to become change makers.
Democracy Reloaded Study Visit 2017.10.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aims of the Study Visit are to share and reflect on existing practices of youth participation in decision making at local level in order to elaborate on issues of quality in such practices.
Networks for equity 2017.10.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Networking training for inclusion of young people with health problems and disability to increase the number of projects in Erasmus + programme which include differently abled young people. We aim for trustworthy partnerships and good quality projects.
MOOCyouth: Erasmus+ funding opportunities | KA1&KA3 2017.11.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This MOOC will equip you with the basic knowledge and understanding how to use Erasmus+ funding opportunities. The course starts on 16 October, you can join till 10 of November.
English Easy Partnership for Youth Exchange 2017.11.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the training course is to increase confidence to carry out youth exchange projects in English.
Tuning In: to Learning and Youthpass 2017.11.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The TC provides practical support to facilitating learning in youth work activities, based on the concept of the Youthpass process.
The Power of Non Formal Education 2017.11.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
Power to You(th) 2017.11.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A training course for youth workers and youth leaders on how to support young people to become and feel empowered to positively contribute to society. We will explore how the Erasmus+ programme can help to do this.
TYE - Tools for Youth Exchanges 2017.11.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A Youth Exchange needs content – behind the content there are tools. This training helps to explore tools around group processes, (intercultural) learning, involvement of young people and more.
APPETISER 2017.12.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
SOHO - European Training Course for EVS Support People 2017.12.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
SOHO aims at enhancing quality of EVS projects through development of essential competences of support persons. It also provides up-to-date information to its participants on the opportunities given by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme.
BiTriMulti (BTM) - Multilateral Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges 2017.12.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim is to offer an international learning experience for practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects;especially newcomers to this field
Mobility Taster for Inclusion Organisations - Hungary 2017.12.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Did you know you can organise international youth projects for your young people from disadvantaged backgrounds? Come and discover what Erasmus+ Youth can do for you and the young people you work with.
Star of Europe 2017.12.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The TC tackles every phase of a youth exchange project and takes a step by step journey through youth participation and partnership by using visual material from the old Finnish game called “The Star of Africa”.
Strategies for Digital Youth Work 2017.12.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the seminar is to raise awareness of how digitalisation is shaping the societies, including its impact on youth work and on young people.
Social Entrepreneurship, Youth and Vocational Education Forum: Towards Collaborative Practice 2018 2017.12.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The cross-sector event explors the potential of youth work, vocational education and training (VET) and Erasmus+ to foster social entrepreneurship among young people.
Conference: "On track - Different youth work approaches for different NEET situations" 2017.12.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This cross-sectoral conference will address the NEET issues and showcase good practices, with the emphasize on cooperation between youth work and other sectors (formal education, employment, social & business sector...).
EYE Opener 2017.12.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
In this training course you will learn all the basics you need to organise and apply for a grant for youth exchanges in Erasmus+ youth in action. In this activity we focus on youth-adult pairing (1 adult leader + 1 or 2 youth, 15-18 years old).
"In and Out" 2017.12.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Activity aims at giving opportunity for staff members of closed institutions, probation centres and NGOs to explore how non-formal methods can support the work with emotional dimension of young people and to develop cooperation and concrete initiatives.
Game of Cultures: inclusion of young migrants and refugees 2017.12.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
For all those who work in multicultural environments and face the challenge of newly arrived cultures, wishing to encourage intercultural dialogue in their local communities in order to enhance its openness to the inclusion of Young migrants and refugees
Study visit: Integration of Young Refugees 2017.12.23. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A study visit for empowering youth workers working with young refugees and asylum seekers. Exchange of good practices and development of concrete ideas for implementation on a local level.
International seminar "Cross over" 2018.01.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This is invitation to international phase of project "Cross over" aiming at increasing understanding of "Erasmus+" Key Action 2 youth part.
International Symposium on Youth Employment Challenges (ISYEC) 3.rd Edition 2018.01.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
To gather, learn about/share good practices and get inspired for developing cross-sectoral strategies for employment and for the future of youth.
The Power of Non Formal Education 2018 2018.01.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
TICTAC 2018.01.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
TICTAC is targeted at voluntary and professional youth workers and youth leaders interested in using international cooperation to enhance their local development strategies, it supports designing quality Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme projects.
The Art of Dialogue Training 2018.01.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the training is to support participants in getting a better understanding and useful analytical tools to analyse their local, regional and national realities when it comes to youth participation and the Structured Dialogue.
Linguistic Workout! English communication competences for transnational youth projects 2018.01.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This TC aims to improve communication competences in English with a functional methodology focusing on international youth work within Erasmus+. It targets participants seeking to build partnerships and develop international youth projects.
All 4 Inclusion (Phase. 2) 2018.01.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This TC focuses on encouraging and empowering youth workers, social workers to start inclusive projects enthusiastic further developing inclusive projects with mixed ability groups through Erasmus+ projects.
#TCP - Towards collaborative practice 2018.01.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This study visit of inspiring social and youth enterprises in Jerusalem is a unique opportunity to discover why Israel is one of the best countries in the word to be a social entrepreneur and how Erasmus+ can support social and youth entrepreneurship.
COMETS – Understanding and facilitating individual and group learning processes 2018.02.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Training for Trainers on ‘Understanding and facilitating individual and group learning processes’ based on the ETS competence model for trainers working at international level.
The quality bonus - the first ETS Conference 2018.02.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This first ETS Conference will focus on sharing, exploring, and discussing ideas and strategies for better capacity building and quality development within youth work and through enhanced education and training of youth workers.
Developing Digital Youth work 2018.02.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The seminar brings together people involved with digital youth work to exchange good practices in Europe. The seminar also aims to create space to explore ideas and new partnerships for digital youth work development using the Erasmus+ Youth in Action opportunities.
The Sound of Music IV 2018.02.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
European Training course for youth workers to explore the power of music in non formal education activities with young people, with different aims (to relax, to activate, to cooperate, to reflect, to promote learning, etc)
Let’s Get It On! A Contact-Making Seminar for Youth Exchanges 2018.02.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This is a contact-making seminar for Youth Exchanges, targeting organisations doing inclusion youth work. Music will be a key methodology used during the seminar. Building partnerships for future projects together is the main aim of the seminar.
Recognise It! Youth Work Locally! 2018.02.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training course aims to strengthen and support the recognition of youth work at the local level in participants’ countries - led by NGOs within the South Med and European regional cooperation.
Non-formal Learning in Higher Education: Developing Intercultural Competence 2018.02.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This seminar will be held within the long-term TCA project ‘Among Others’, aimed at exploring how non-formal methods can help develop intercultural competence in higher education.
BiTriMulti (BTM) - Multilateral Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges 2018.02.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the course is to offer an international learning experience for practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects; especially newcomers to this field.
TYE - Tools for Youth Exchanges 2018.02.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training enables participants to explore tools around group processes, (intercultural) learning, involvement of young people and more.
Quality Matters II. A cross sectoral approach to mobility projects within Erasmus+ programme 2018.02.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Successful implementation of mobility depends on aspects like management, mentoring, risk prevention, encouraging participants to be active and self-aware of the learning process. That is why PL NA organises training Quality Matters.
The Incubator - less WORK for more IMPACT 2018.02.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course aims to support the youth field to identify and understand how the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme can be used to achieve a desired local social change and transformation.
Coaching in the training design - Trainer Skills Workshop (TSW) 2018.03.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This is a skills-oriented workshop for trainers with a long-term experience in the youth field, who have been in touch with coaching/mentoring practices and want to explore these approaches further when it comes to designing training activities.
ATOQ RO - Advanced Training on Quality in Romania 2018.03.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
ATOQ training course aim at increasing quality within youth exchanges. Based on previous exchanges, an international group of youth workers will focus on quality aspects and improve management competences in order to raise quality of future exchanges.
Youth Councils – local and international realities 2018.03.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The seminar aims at learning the reality of Youth Councils operating in different countries and exploring the possibility of future networking.
Youth work against violent radicalization: The role of democratic competences – part 1 2018.03.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A training aiming to teach how building democratic competences can be used in youth work to prevent violent radicalisation. Participants should be active in youth work and wish to train other youth workers.
GET IN NET 2018.03.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Do you want to change something in your community? Do you have an idea for a project and would like to do it with young people from other European country? Do you want to learn new things and get support to initiate this adventure?
Enterprise your daily life! 2018.03.11. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A training course aiming at strengthening the capacity of youth workers in developing the entrepreneurial potential of young people, as to enable them to adopt a proactive approach in their personal, civic and professional life.
“Embracing Diversity”- Training course on diversity management 2018.03.11. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This TC will give youth workers concrete methods for managing diversity and serve as a space for exploring various kinds of diversity. It aims to influence the daily practice of the participants by allowing them to learn from and be inspired by each other.
Networking Seminar-Youth Mobility Opportunities for Youth with Health Issues 2018.03.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Networking seminar is organised for organisations working or willing to work with young people with health issues (and/or disability). It aims to stimulate partnership, capacity building and to develop youth mobility project ideas within “Erasmus+:YiA”.
Shadow the culture 2018.03.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Shadow the Culture is the seminar dedicated to workers from cultural institutions (museums, libraries etc.) who work with youth using non-formal education methods.
DIG-IT up! 2018.03.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of this training course is to provide knowledge and skills and find creative ways on how to combine analog & outdoor activities in youth work with digital tools and apps that are used by youngsters through a hands-on approach and experience.
Drop-In 2018.03.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course (TC) aims to enhance the capacity of teachers and youth workers in supporting learning process, social inclusion, empowerment and motivation of potential school drop-outs.
MINDSET OF YOUTH WORKERS in supporting learning through youth mobilities 2018.03.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This five-day training course provides a learning environment for youth workers to reflect on their mindset with a specific focus on being a learner and supporting learning of young people in youth work and especially in youth mobilities.
Take part and learn! 2018.03.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Participation is a fundamental concept for the work with young people. Within this training course we will explore the diverse facets of participation, showing its challenges and opportunities for youth work.
The plus of Erasmus plus: ideas matching and project management in the youth field (2nd edition) 2018.04.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course aims to offer a complete overview of the opportunities provided by each Key Action of ERASMUS+ Programme in the field of Youth. Participants will gain knowledge, tools and motivation needed to carry out specific quality projects.
Include, Transform, Realise Transnational Forum 2018.04.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
It is aimed to reach out both disabled and non-disabled youth workers/leaders, trainers or facilitators in order to improve their capacities of working with young people with disabilities in local/national/international level in terms of E+ YiA Programme.
Communication Matters TC III 2018.04.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Do you know how to show your sparkles for the world outside? Do you know how to describe what you do? Is it hard for you to write something meaningful in the DEoR part of your project application?
MENTOR plus - Improving mentorship in EVS/volunteering activities 2018.04.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training invites active mentors that feel the need of developing their competences and improving the quality of mentorship. They will reflect on the roles, responsibilities and challenges of actors involved in mentoring and share experience.
VulnerABILITY: An alternative approach to prevent radicalisation among young people 2018.04.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course aims to support youth workers to develop their competences in understanding vulnerability and exploring its potential in reinforcing young people self confidence and preventing radicalisation.
ABC ON VOLUNTEERING MENTORSHIP, Training Course for newcomers! 2018.04.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This Training Course is an opportunity for volunteering hosting/sending organizations to train their mentors (or potential), offering the basic learning for mentoring avolunteering project (preparation, implementation & follow up phases).
DemoPeople III 2018.04.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the course is to establish a close international cooperation between organisations from programme and partner countries in the field of democracy and structured dialogue, mainly within Key Action 3.
Queerasmus+: A Contact Making Seminar 2018.04.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are you working for/with a group of young people that can identify with the big and diverse LGBTQI umbrella? Would you like to meet other queer youth groups to network and learn about how you can get grants to realise your international cooperation?
Keep It Real! Vilnius 2018 2018.04.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course is aimed at those who have no or only some experience in preparing an Youth Exchange. The main aim is to support YE applicants to increase main quality aspects in various phases of the project and prepare eligible Youth Exchange.
HUBsters 2018.04.26. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
HUBsters is a Training Course for youth leaders active at a local level to create international networks and initiatives in order to support youth participation.
Results Plus: The sound of projects 2018.04.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Have you ever had the feeling that you are doing a great job in your project and it deserves to be better known?
Democracy Reloaded Study Visit- Belgium FR 2018.04.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A 5-day Study Visit in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (Belgium FR) gathering 32 municipality workers to reflect and share practices, tools, methods in engaging young people in decision-making processes at local level.
Level up! Training Course on Transnational Youth Initiatives 2018.04.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
It is an international training course that offers youth workers opportunity to gain useful knowledge to inspire young people and support them in developing and implementing an Transnational Youth Initiative in cooperation with peers from other countries.
ON SOLIDarity GROUND 2018.05.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Hear the news! Increase your knowledge on European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+ programmes, their new opportunities and changes. Build your future projects on SOLID grounds! Transfer good practice from EVS to the new reality of volunteering activities.
eXploring Youth eParticipation 2018.05.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This seminar is for youth workers, policy makers, developers and initiators of eParticipation processes interested in exploring youth eParticipation and gaining skills and knowledge for setting up successful digital youth participation processes.
FITA 5 – From Idea To Action 5 2018.05.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
From Idea to Action 5 is a 5 days training aimed to empower participants to develop their competences promoting and supporting Youth Entrepreneurship in social field. It is part of the Strategic Partnership Youth@Work on Employability and Entrepreneurship
Be Initiative! 2018.05.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Being initiative is what moves a society forward. No matter whether we are talking business, culture or non-profit. Come to develop your entrepreneurship competence to the shortest and possibly your best training course ever.
What’s really going on? Challenging discrimination with youth mobility projects 2018.05.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
To understand how KA1 Youth in Action projects can be used to support young people to challenge discrimination, promote intercultural learning (ICL), and meet partner groups who want to develop projects on these themes.
SOHO - European Training Course for support people in E+: Youth in Action Volunteering Activities 2018.05.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
SOHO aims at enhancing quality of Volunteering Activities through development of essential competences of support persons. It also provides up-to-date information on the new EU initiative European Solidarity Corps to support volunteering for young people.
MOOCyouth: Erasmus+ funding opportunities 2018.05.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This MOOC will equip you with the basic knowledge and understanding how to use Erasmus+ funding opportunities: https://www.canvas.net/browse/salto/courses/erasmus-funding-opportunities The course starts on 7 May, but you can still join till 31 May.
Cherry on the cake - youth exchange in the context of a long term work with groups of young people 2018.05.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Have you already led a Youth Exchange within the E+ and remained interested in how you can dig deeper into specific aspects? Would you like to know more about the use of digital tools in a meaningful way in different phases of a youth exchange?
International Youth Work in Rural Organisations 2018.05.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Small organisations in rural areas can find human resources as a challenge in organising international youth projects. This study visit shows good practices in one region in Finland. Rural areas can be international too!
Transnational Youth Initiatives for V4+EaP 2018.05.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Training course is about preparation, run and evaluation of quality transnational youth initiatives for young people meant for participants from V4 countries and countries of Eastern Partnership.
Cross-Sectorial Conference on Strategic Partnership Between Business and Education Sectors 2018.05.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This international conference will be organized to provide a ground for a solid cooperation among youth, education and labour sectors with the aim of improving the employability of young people.
Training of Trainers for European Erasmus+: Youth in Action Projects 2018/2019 2018.06.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The major aim of this training course is to train trainers who have the competences and the motivation to contribute to the improvement of the quality of projects within the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme of the European Union.
Youth work against violent radicalisation- The role of democratic competences – PART 2 2018.06.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The role of democratic competences – part 2 is linked to the training of trainers which took place in Utřya/Sundwollen in April 2018 (Youth work against violent radicalization: The role of democratic competences – part 1).
Step into Strategic Partnerships 2018.06.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A basic and generic training course supporting the first steps of potential applicants into medium and large-scale Strategic Partnerships aiming at innovation in the youth field.
Developing Digital Youth Work Study Visit in Finland 2018.06.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The study visit aims to shed light on various digital approaches used in youth work in Finland.
ATOQ HU- Advanced Training on Quality in Hungary 2018.06.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
ATOQ training course aim at increasing quality within youth exchanges. Based on previous exchanges, an international group of youth workers will focus on quality aspects and improve management competences in order to raise quality of future exchanges.
Eye Opener – Greece 2018.06.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
EYEOpener offers an international learning experience to young people and practitioners active in youth work, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects within the E+ YiA Programme.
EYE OPENER - SouthMed Edition 2018.06.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
"This edition of EYE Opener is designed for voluntary and professional youth workers working directly with young people for setting up together international youth exchange projects within EuroMed context."
PBA Make the Move V 2018.06.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A contact making seminar co-organized by NA BEFR and PT, in order to promote partnerships and develop quality Youth Exchanges, with a strong focus on Inclusion. Programme countries + EECA + Russian Federatio,and SEE. Max 50 participants.
Mobility Taster for Inclusion Organisations - Ireland 2018.06.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Did you know you can organise international youth projects for your young people from disadvantaged backgrounds? Come and discover what Erasmus+ Youth can do for you and the young people you work with.
EUtopia? Diversity in Changing Europe - Creative youth work lab for rethinking diversity solutions 2018.06.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
If you are ready to dive deep in the meaning of diversity and use what you find to reshape the practices of youth work – then EUtopia is for you!
stART-up your creative exchange 2018.07.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This Partnership Building Activity aims to support (fairly) newcomers in Erasmus+ Youth in Action in finding project partners and developing quality youth exchanges with art and creative forms as a tool.
International Youth Reporter Training 2018.07.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Training for young journalists and youth reporters to gain relevant journalism skills and meet peers from other countries.
RAY Triangular Summit 2018 2018.07.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
"Maximising potential: key insights from research for the renewed EU Youth Strategy and Programme" is organised by the research network RAY: research based analysis of Erasmus+: Youth in Action www.researchyouth.eu
TOOL FAIR XIII – #PowerUp! 2018.07.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Tool Fair XIII #PowerUp! shall provide a stimulating environment for varied approaches & practices for those working to support Youth Empowerment with a focus on Human Rights, Active Participation, Intercultural Dialogue, Social Inclusion & Mental Health.
Sports as a tool for education and inclusion 2018.07.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Sport plays a very important role in our societies. It can be a very powerful tool for education and inclusion when working with young. This TC will explore the different possibilities of Sport as a tool for education and inclusion.
Tools for youth exchanges 2018.08.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The overall aim of TYE - Tools for Youth Exchanges - is for youth leaders and youth workers to explore, share and adapt tools that can be used to improve their Youth Exchanges.
APPETISER 2018.08.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
TICTAC 2018.08.26. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
TICTAC is targeted at voluntary and professional youth workers and youth leaders interested in using international cooperation to enhance their local development strategies, it supports designing quality Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme projects.
Open Access 2018.08.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Partnership Building Activity for Youth workers on involvement for access of young people with health issues and/or physical or mental disabilities in Erasmus Plus Youth in Action Programme.
Using Social Entrepreneurship in Erasmus+ - USEE+ 2018.08.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of this tc is to create awareness about social economy & social enterprises, appreciate the role of social entrepreneurship and inspire participants to create a vision where their passion and desire for change meets self-employability.
Impact+ Seminar for Youth 2018.08.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The seminar will equip participants with the skills to plan and implement impact assessment activities. Participants will learn how to use the Impact+ Exercise to explore, understand, prioritise and disseminate the impact of their activities.
The Power of Non Formal Education 2018.09.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in empowering young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe) and building bridges between different educational methods, approaches or reflections.
Inclusive Volunteering in Social Enterprises Training course 2018.09.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
SALTO I&D, UK and IT NAs would like to see more young people with fewer opportunities taking part in volunteering projects. This course brings together social enterprises, youth workers, and volunteering organisations to foster inclusive volunteering.
What Could Go Wrong? - How to deal with Meestaeks in E+:YiA projects 2018.09.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training aims to help new Erasmus+ beneficiaries to identify the most common mistakes when organizing E+ Youth projects and look at ways to prevent these mistakes with alternative solutions for when they occur.
ToF – TRAINING OF FACILITATORS IN ERASMUS+ YOUTH III edition 2018.09.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Welcome to the third edition of ToF – Training of Facilitators in Erasmus+ Youth. It is an opportunity for newcomers to get and introduction about techniques, methods and practices in facilitation within the Erasmus+ Youth programme.
KA2 Unveiled: an in-depth view of Erasmus+ Key Action 2 2018.09.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The ultimate goal of this training course is to take an in-depth look at Key Action 2, so that participants are able to take full advantage of the potential it offers and to present quality projects.
Insightrainer, Creatrainer!! 2018.09.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This is part of a workshop series with the overall objective of increasing the quality of the work done by trainers in the youth field. This is to be achieved through the development of youth trainer´s competences in using games and play as education tool
100% Youth City 2018.09.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
100% Youth City is an Integrated Action Plan on Youth Local Policies with cross-sectorial approach and focused on youth needs analysis through Youth participatory processes. It tackles the challenge of inactive youth that many EU cities face nowadays.
EYE Opener 2018.09.14. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
In this training course you will learn all the basics you need to organise and apply for a grant for youth exchanges in Erasmus+: Youth in Action. In this activity we focus on youth-adult pairing (1 adult leader + 1 or 2 youth, 15-18 years old)
Towards Collaborative Practice 2018 2018.09.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
“Towards Collaborative Practice” Forum: A cross-sector event exploring the potential of youth work and Erasmus+ to foster social entrepreneurship among young people.
Star of Europe 2018.09.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
“The Star of Europe” training course tackles each step of a youth exchange project and takes a step by step journey through youth participation and partnership by using visual material from the old Finnish game called “The Star of Africa”.
Democracy Reloaded Trio Training LTTC 2018.09.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim of the trio training (LTTC) is to strengthen local democracy by building the capacity of youth policy stakeholders in reloading (re-defining, creating, reforming) youth participation in decision making.
Bridges for Trainers 2018 2018.09.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Bridges for Trainers is a space to debate on trends and issues related to training in the youth field. BfT 2018 will explore the roles tasks of trainers connected with the policy initiatives in the field of youth, including the new EU Youth Strategy.
SOHO - European Training Course for support people in E+: Youth in Action Volunteering Activities 2018.09.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
SOHO aims at enhancing quality of Volunteering Activities through development of essential competences of support persons. It also provides up-to-date information on the new EU initiative European Solidarity Corps to support volunteering for young people.
"Training for mentors" 2018.09.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Training course “Training for mentors” targets youth leaders and youth workers, who have experience in Erasmus+ programme and would like to share their knowledge and experience by assisting other potential applicants in developing their project ideas.
Widening Horizons - A training for organisations hosting or sending volunteers 2018.10.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training aims to support organisations hosting and sending volunteers through Erasmus+ / European Solidarity Corp to gain a fuller appreciation of how to maximise the transformative learning experience for each volunteer.
The winner is: ESC/EVS 2018.10.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Training for mentors/tutors, youthworkers and project managers in Volunteering Projects (EVS/ESC) who would like to exchange experiences, get some information about the general and specific conditions and want to learn more about working with volunteers.
APPETISER 2018.10.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
KICK-START YOUR CAREER 2018.10.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim is to support youth workers in enabling young people to better assess and express their competences for employment purposes.
YES, AND... - Improvisation in the learning process 2018.11.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Introducing applied improvisation as a non-formal educational methodology in both formal and informal educational settings Cross sectoral seminar for Youth and School Education sector participants.
COMETS – Cooperating successfully in teams 2018.11.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Training for Trainers on ‘Cooperating successfully in teams’ based on the ETS competence model for trainers working at international level.
Key to inclusion: European Solidarity Corps 2018.11.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the activity is to encourage and support inclusive projects in the frame of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programme and give an impetus for the creation of the European network of organizations interested in inclusive ESC projects.
The Power of Non Formal Education TC in Estonia 2018.11.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in empowering young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe) and building bridges between different educational methods, approaches or reflections.
"ONE 2 ONE" supporting learning face-to-face Training course 2018.11.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Have you ever felt confused about your role with the young people you work with? Do they see you as a coach? Mentor? Tutor? Can you work with groups, but find it difficult to work with individuals? Have you never had a tetralemma? YES?
Participation out of office 2018.11.26. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the TC is inform about Structured Dialogue (SD) and what can be achieved through KA3 projects in practice, exchange of good practice, and while developing a common strategy on the implementation of the SD at national, regional and local level.
BiTriMulti (BTM) - Multilateral Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges 2018.12.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the BiTriMulti course is to offer an international learning experience for practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects;especially newcomers to this field
Obstacle - Opportunity (O2) 2018.12.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Networking seminar is organised for organisations working or willing to work with young people with health issues (and/or disability). It aims to stimulate partnership, capacity building and development of international youth mobility project ideas.
KA2 NOW - Innovation in Youth Work 2018.12.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
After 5 years of Erasmus+ Youth in Action, a lot of impactful outputs and good practices in the field of Youth have been developed under KA2 Strategic Partnerships.
The Art to Reflect – About meaningful reflection in trainings 2018.12.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This trainer skills workshop (TWS) intends to expand trainers’ toolkits with reflective approaches and to equip them with the skills to plan and implement reflection as part of the learning processes.
Widening Horizons- A Training for Organisation Hosting and Sending Volunteers 2018.12.14. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training aims to support organisations hosting and sending volunteers through European Solidarity Corp to explore the experience and learning outcomes for the volunteer.
Cross Over 2018.12.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This is invitation to international phase of annual training course "Cross Over" about the quality of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership projects (KA2) in youth field. Everyone with potential KA2 project idea in youth field can apply for training.
Insightrainer, Creatrainer!! 2018.12.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This is the final activity of a series of Insightrainer Creatrainer (IC)workshops. The participants of Product Jam are selected from the participants of the IC Workshops previously run during the year (creative writing; visuals & comics; games & play).
The Power of Non Formal Education (DK) 2018.12.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in empowering young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe) and building bridges between different educational methods, approaches or reflections.
Formela Teoprax V4 2018.12.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main goal of this TC is to understand the differences between non-formal education, formal education and informal learning.
POWER - Project Factory for Empowerment of Young People in and after Imprisonment 2019.01.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Activity for staff members of closed institutions (detention services, prisons etc.), probation centres and NGO’s to explore non-formal learning* and develop common Erasmus+ & European Solidarity corps projects involving young people in/after imprisonment
The Art of Dialogue 2019.01.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
How can you apply the “Art of Dialogue” approach in EU Youth Dialogue activities? The main focus of the training is to support those who facilitate the dialogue process or specific activities planned by National Working Groups within their work plans.
ATOQ BU- Advanced Training on Quality in Bulgaria 2019.01.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
ATOQ training course aim at increasing quality within youth exchanges. Based on previous exchanges, an international group of youth workers will focus on quality aspects and improve management competences in order to raise quality of future exchanges.
TICTAC 2019.01.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
TICTAC is targeted at voluntary and professional youth workers and youth leaders interested in using international cooperation to enhance their local development strategies, it supports designing quality Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme projects.
Tuning In - To Learning and Youthpass 2019.01.14. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This five-day training course provides practical support to facilitate learning in youth work activities, based on the Youthpass process.
My Vote – My Impact. Europe Behind the Scenes 2019.01.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
How can we have an impact in what is happening in Europe? How can we participate and shape democratic procedures? The seminar addresses current European challenges and future questions in the context of the 2019 elections for European Parliament.
European Solidarity Corps as a tool for sustainable and systematic work 2019.01.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Powerful training course for those who would like to explore the programme „European Solidarity Corps” from different perspective, i.e., how to use the programme as a tool in work with young people in NEET situation through systematic approach.
BiTriMulti (BTM) - Multilateral Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges - Poland 2019.01.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the BiTriMulti course is to offer an international learning experience for practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects;especially newcomers to this field
International Conference „Radicalization of Youth: Causes and Prevention“ 2019.01.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Main goal of the conference is to examine and discuss the key factors which trigger and fuel violent radicalisation and extremism of youth.
EPLM conference - The Power of Learning Mobility 2019.01.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This conference will look at the impact of quality learning mobility projects in the youth field, and the balance between personal and societal gain. It will explore what learning mobility means for communities and society at large, as well as individuals.
Inclusive Volunteering in Social Economy - Partnership-building Activity 2019.02.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
SALTO I&D and the Turkish National Agency for Erasmus+:Youth in Action programme would like to see more young people with fewer opportunities taking part in volunteering projects.
Keep Calm and Think Strategically- Engaging with Youth Policy 2019.02.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of this training is to demystify youth work policy, in particular at a European level and support youth work practitioners to practically link their local practice to European policy.
Coaching the Learning process for volunteers 2019.02.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
How can we support the learning process of the volunteers? Can the learning reflection be actually easy, interesting or funny? Can we include learning reflection in the many mentoring activities we are already doing?
Conference: Recognise it! Inspiration to Advance 2019.02.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Conference is the last step of the process that the organisers started in 2016 with regard to the recognition of youth work. The idea is to present the achievements of the process at national and international level with this final Conference.
Linguistic Workout! 2019.02.11. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This TC aims to improve communication competences in English with a functional methodology focusing on international youth work within Erasmus+. It targets participants seeking to build partnerships and develop international youth projects.
DIG-IT up! 2019.02.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the training course is to provide digital knowledge and skills and find creative ways on combining analog and open-air activities in youth work with digital tools and apps that are used by youngsters, through a hands-on approach and experience.
Mobility Taster for Inclusion Organisations - Ukraine 2019 2019.02.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Did you know you can organise international youth projects for your young people from disadvantaged backgrounds? Come and discover what Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps can do for you and the young people you work with.
YOCOMO 2 – The Trigger for attitudes and behaviours 2019.02.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
In professional development one of the challenging parts to approach is our attitudes: not so tangible and easy to measure, yet crucial in our work with young people. They manifest in our behaviours, which influence our work, relations and social context.
Take A Step Out 2019.02.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Do you want to make a positive change in your community? Do you want to develop your skills on social inclusion? Do you work with young people and want to see a change in them, too? Then this training course is for you!
European expert seminar on more inclusive future European youth programmes 2019.02.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are you an expert in working with inclusion groups in the frame of Erasmus+: Youth in Action and / or the European Solidarity Corps? Would you like to contribute to making the future European youth programmes as of 2021 more inclusive? Then join our European expert seminar on more inclusive future European youth programmes!
EUROPEAN ACADEMY ON YOUTH WORK 2019.02.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The EAYW aims to support innovation in youth work and youth work policy and to promote the development of quality youth work. It is a place for exchange on creative, transformative and innovative youth work practices, tools and instruments.
BPF - Before Project Fails 2019.02.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The seminar will tackle TC elements for KA1-2-3 project coordinators on how to deal with crucial project management moments, how to avoid main problems and be ready to react on the spot when a trouble occurs.
URBAN ART & CO.: The power of education through urban art 2019.03.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This is a seminar for artists, educators and cultural organizers involved with youth work and social issues. Discover how art can animate public spaces, design ways to use urban art in youth work, and look for strategic partnerships within EU programs.
Power of Positivity (PoP+) 2019.03.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The theme of the course will be around youth mental health, and to engage with examples of good practice, policy, methodologies.
Star of Europe 2019.03.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
“The Star of Europe” training course tackles each step of a youth exchange project and takes a step by step journey through youth participation and partnership by using visual material from the old Finnish game called “The Star of Africa”.
Non-formal Learning in Higher Education: Developing Intercultural Competence "Among Others" 2019.03.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The participants of TCA project "Non-formal Learning in Higher Education: Developing Intercultural Competence "Among Others"" are kindly invited to take part in the 5th transnational seminar from 23 - 27 April, 2019 in Riga, Latvia!
MINDSET OF YOUTH WORKERS in supporting learning through youth mobilities 2019.03.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This five-day training course provides a learning environment for youth workers to reflect on their mindset with a specific focus on being a learner and supporting learning of young people in youth work and especially in youth mobilities.
Reality TV or Fake News 2019.03.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Aim of the international seminar: to demystify the concept of solidarity and create a common understanding
The winner is: ESC - German speaking training 2019.03.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Training for project managers and mentors in European Volunteering Project who would like to exchange experiences, get some information about the general and specific conditions and want to learn more about working with volunteers.
What Could Go Wrong? 2019.03.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training aims to help new Erasmus+ beneficiaries (Youth workers, youth leaders and project managers) to identify the most common mistakes when organizing E+ Youth projects and look at ways to prevent these mistakes with alternative solutions for when they occur.
BiTriMulti (BTM) - Multilateral Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges - Belgium - FR 2019.03.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the BiTriMulti course is to offer an international learning experience for practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects;especially newcomers to this field
Discover Youth Talents (V4 conference) 2019.03.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Overall goal of the conference is to create a platform for discussion aimed at supporting the full development of talent with emphasis on NFL, sharing examples of good practice in youth work and its role in developing potential between V4, EaP and WB.
Study visit on the Topic of Unemployed Young People 2019.03.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Study visit is on the topic of the inclusion of unemployed young people. This study visit aims to have an overview of different kind of methods used in working with unemployed young people through the activities of organisations, public bodies, projects.
“Boomerang – inclusion through active participation” 2019.03.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training course is dedicated to the topic of social integration and empowering young people with disability or health challenges by engaging them actively in Youth Exchange projects.
The 3rd European event of EGL 2019.03.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The 3rd European event brings together 200 actors from municipal level youth work to learn from each other, plan new collaboration activities and have exchanges about the quality development of local youth work with a new support tool, the future European Charter on Local Youth Work.
Citizenship in a Digital Era 2019.03.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim of this training is to equip youth workers with the tools to increase the levels of media literacy amongst the young people they work with and support them to be responsible digital citizens.
Jump IN: How to develop Youth Exchange projects!? 2019.03.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training offers an international learning experience for youth work practitioners who want to develop competencies in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects for young people with fewer opportunities.
Joining the Dots Through Outdoor Activity! A Contact Making Seminar-Youth Exchanges 2019.03.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This is a contact making seminar for organisations looking to develop sustainable partnerships for Youth Exchanges involving young people with fewer opportunities.
APPETISER (BG) 2019.03.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
Shape Your Landscape 2019.03.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A training course for youth workers on place-based education as a tool for empowering local community and fostering wellbeing of young people.
Replay: Take a step back to take a step forward 2019.03.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A provocative opportunity to take part in a training, to explore non-formal learning, to improve the quality of youth work and to experiment practices, new tools and techniques.
EUtopia? Diversity in a Changing Europe 2019.03.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The creative lab is designed for critical thinkers, who work with young people and are not afraid of opening controversial questions and questioning concepts.
Think BIG, start SMALL 2019.03.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This four-day training course provides innovative tools, methods and inspiration for youth workers who would like to develop the active participation of young people in their communities.
The Learning Impact for You(th)! 2019.03.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Your activities have great potential for learning so would you like to increase their impact?Do you want to acquire tools to engage youngsters in reflective learning?Do you want to use Youthpass to reflect/communicate competences?If yes, this is for you!
Study Visit to Youth Councils 2019.03.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This study visit aims to learn more about youth participation and youth councils in Norway, as well as sharing good practices and networking.
YOUTH@WORK KICK OFF CONFERENCE 2019.03.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This cross-sectoral conference, addressing both issues and opportunities surrounding youth employability and entrepreneurship, is the flagship event of the Youth@Work Partnership in 2019.
TOOL FAIR XIV – #know-how 2019.04.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Tool Fair is an international event that brings together youth work experts all over Europe and beyond to discuss and learn from each other about innovative methods and best practices from the field of youth work.
External Evaluators Training 2019.04.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of this NET Activity is to increase the competences of external evaluators of European Solidarity Corps projects with the aim of enhancing the assessment & the quality level of the applications submitted under the Solidarity Corps programme.
The 4th Eastern Partnership Youth Forum 2019.04.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This year we are celebrating 10th year anniversary of the Eastern Partnership. Lithuania will organise at that occasion the 4th Eastern Partnership Youth Forum. The event will focus on “Critical thinking through media literacy and active participation”.
C.O.A.C.H. Training Course 2019.04.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Coaching is the process of helping another person to perform at the peak of his or her abilities. Coaching emphasizes generative change, concentrating on defining and achieving specific goals. R. Dilts
The Power of Non Formal Education (GR) 2019.04.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
Kambek 2019.04.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Kambek brings together experienced beneficiaries and project managers of KA1 and KA3 to share best practices from their projects, reflect on the role of participation and learn innovative methods for dissemination of project results.
A society for all, still a dream? 2019.04.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The seminar aims at bringing together youth workers and youth leaders that are involved in projects of youth participation.
IC LAB - Intercultural Learning for Absolute Beginners 2019.04.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A crash course on the concept of intercultural learning for youth workers with no previous experience in international youth work.
Passion for learning: follow up of the LevelUp! 2019.04.14. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Passion for Learning is a long-term training programme for youth workers and youth leaders with focus on facilitation and recognition of learning processes of young people in Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes – based on Youthpass concept.
European Solidarity Corps International Meeting of QL Experts 2019.04.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the meeting is to improve the quality of the existing system of Quality Label (QL) process and of the work of relevant experts
THE POWER OF NON FORMAL EDUCATION 2019 2019.04.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
Contact Making Seminar on Human Rights Education 2019.04.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A Contact Making Seminar for youthworkers on how to work on Human Rights Education (HRE) in international youth projects. Participants will have the opportunity to get to know new partners to create HRE projects in Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps
Get Transnational Get Solidarity 2019.04.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Get Transnational is a 5 days training course about preparing, running and evaluating quality European Youth Projects for young people within ERASMUS + Programme and the European Solidarity Corps.
Connecting the Dots: Coaching for employability with Erasmus+ 2019.05.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A 5-day learning activity to develop and improve employability and entrepreneurship competences of youth work practitioners by experiencing and experimenting with coaching tools and methods to be applied back at their organisations.
University Study Visit: Youth Work and Intercultural Competence 2019.05.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim of the Study Visit is to promote international Youth Work and intercultural competence within Higher Education institutions and other establishments involved in Youth and Community Work programmes in the two countries.
CONNECTOR 5 2019.05.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
In a nutshell: CONNECTOR is a space aiming to bring together professionals passionate about learning in a participative and interactive manner, with a focus on practical experience. The event is based on sharing, learning and testing.
MENTOR plus - Improving mentorship in European Volunteering Projects 2019.05.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim of the training is to increase the quality of mentoring in European Volunteering Projects and to support active mentors working with their volunteer(s).
"Bridge to Solidarity PBA" - European Solidarity Corps 2019.05.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
“Bridge to Solidarity” is a Partnership Building Activity (PBA) that aims to increase knowledge about the European Solidarity Corps and to create a solid and trustable network of partners interesting in organizing ESC projects.
European volunteer in your school and kindergarten (NET) 2019.05.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The seminar aims to increase involvement of European volunteers into extracurricular activities of schools (primary and secondary) and kindergartens.
Using Social Entrepreneurship in Erasmus+ - USEE+ 2019.05.26. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
As Gandhi said: “be the change you want to see in the world”.
From Knowing to Being - ETS Training for Trainers 2019.05.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are you ready to live through and reflect on using and applying competence models with a specific focus on attitudes, values and inner readiness? Then we are looking forward to meet you in this training course!
The Power of Non Formal Education (BG) 2019.05.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
Discover Design Thinking 2019.05.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
In this training course, youth workers, educators and trainers will discover a new approach, Design Thinking, to unlock creativity – both in themselves and in young people!
Training of Trainers for European Erasmus+ 2019.06.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The major aim of this long-term training course is to train trainers who have the competences and the motivation to contribute to the improvement of the quality of projects within the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme of the European Union.
Towards Collaborative Practice (TCP) Forum 2019 2019.06.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
“Towards Collaborative Practice” Forum: A cross-sectoral event exploring the potential of Youth Work and Erasmus+ to foster Social Entrepreneurship among young people.
From online hate speech to the extremism: perspectives & solutions 2019.06.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course will give participants a deeper understanding of the concept of extremism and equip them with tools to identify, and work with, those most at risk.
EGL - Social inclusion in European Cities true Youth Work 2019.06.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
We are asking participants to attend in pairs - (youth worker + young leader). You should complete one form each. You will both need to give answers to the questions, so will probably need to check some of the answers together.
ATOQ IS - Advanced Training on Quality in Iceland 2019.06.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
ATOQ training course aim at increasing quality within youth exchanges. Based on previous exchanges, an international group of youth workers will focus on quality aspects and improve management competences in order to raise quality of future exchanges.
Conference: On track 3 2019.06.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This cross-sectoral conference will address the NEET issues and showcase good practices, with the emphasize on cooperation between youth work and other sectors (formal education, employment, social & business sector...).
Step into Strategic Partnerships 2019.06.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course aims to introduce and support potential applicants to medium and large-scale Strategic Partnerships in innovation or exchange of good practice in the youth field.
Belgium: behind the scene: Study Visit about the role of youth work 2019.06.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This SV will tackle the role of youth work in addressing the risks of radicalization, through encounters, discussions and sharing spaces with experienced Belgium realities. This SV is a rich opportunity for further professional development on the topic.
14th Economic Forum of Young Leaders 2019.06.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Economic Forum of Young Leaders is one of the biggest international social and economic meetings of young leaders. Its main aim is to strengthen cross-sectoral cooperation among young leaders from programme and EECA countries and policy makers.
Adventure Europe_ 2019.07.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A training for youthworkers dealing with youth living in homes or individual foster care (youthcare). Using Outdoor education to motivate and enable youth to become active (European) citizens.
SPI Inclusion matchmaking – Find European partners for inclusion projects 2019.07.07. 4db élménybeszámoló Részletek
SPI Inclusion matchmaking – Find European partners for inclusion Projects. The aim of the event is to encourage and support inclusive projects in the framework of Erasmus+ YiA and the European Solidarity Corps programme.
BiTriMulti (BTM) - Multilateral Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges in Norway 2019.07.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the BiTriMulti course is to offer an international learning experience for those active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects; especially newcomers to this field.
Media and Information Literacy Project LAB 2019.07.10. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Apply to our interactive Media & Information Literacy Project Lab if you are eager to start your own project(s) to tackle fake news, cyber-bullying, sextortion, digital security or other topics connected to the Media and Information Literacy!
YOUTH@WORK: Supporting Women’s Entrepreneurship through Youth Work 2019.07.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training course is part of the Youth@Work Partnership. Youth@Work is an institutional alliance of 16 Erasmus+ National Agencies and SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres. You can learn more about Youth@Work on Facebook @YouthatWorkPartnership.
Queer it up! 2019.07.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This Training Course aims to explore Sexual Identity and Gender Expresion/Identity for those unfamiliar with the LGBT+ community.
Volunteering Projects for All - inclusion hackathon 2019.07.21. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Aim of this inclusion hackathon is together with experienced organization to find out how we could promote inclusion volunteering project under the European Solidarity corps.
Young people that practice sports are less likely to fall into extremism and it facilitates their inclusion, brings them the opportunity to acquire sport values as part of their educational process and allows them to feel part of a group and society
Engagement of Women in Politics and Entrepreneurship 2019.08.05. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Seminar would be an opportunity to gather youth workers who have a specific interest in promoting at national and international level the empowerment of young women in politics and entrepreneurship and in creating projects focused on this topic.
Study Visit: Tandems for good practices of local youth work 2019.08.10. 3db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are you ready for reflecting on your own youth work practice, build partnerhsips and get new inputs? Join the Study Visit! Participants will explore good and innovative practices of local youth work in Austria and Hungary.
APPETISER (GR) 2019.08.12. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ Youth in Action and partially to the European Solidarity Corps Programmes.
OMG. Youth at the Museums 2019.08.19. 6db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Following the first edition of OMG! the Spanish National Agency for Youth organises this Training Course with the aim of creating bridges between museums and the youth sector through non-formal education.
Developing Youth Workers' Competences in Finland 2019.08.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The cross sectoral study visit both explores the curriculum and teaching of youth work in secondary level vocational institution in Finland and helps to understand how what is learned in the education can be put into practice in daily youth work.
BiTriMulti (BTM) - Multilateral Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges (PL) 2019.08.23. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the BiTriMulti course is to offer an international learning experience for practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects;especially newcomers to this field
TicTac in Poland 2019.08.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
TicTac is a multilateral training course for voluntary and professional youth workers as well as youth leaders interested in using international cooperation to enhance their local development strategies in line with the goals of their organizations.
TYE - Tools for Youth Exchanges (Sweden) 2019.08.31. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Tools for Youth Exchanges is a training that enables participants to explore tools around group processes, (intercultural) learning, involvement of young people and how to facilitate these tools during a youth exchange.
Mobility Taster for Inclusion Organisations - Latvia 2019.09.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Did you know you can organise international youth projects for your young people from disadvantaged backgrounds? Come and discover what Erasmus+ Youth can do for you and the young people you work with.
International Countryside 2019.09.06. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Small organisations in rural areas can find human resources as a challenge in organising international youth projects. This study visit shows good practices in one region in Finland. The countryside can be international!
Makerspaces in digital youth work 2019 2019.09.06. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Hackerspaces, Fab Labs, Makerspaces are places where ideas become projects. Discover how to prepare young people to the challenges of a digital world by tackling their curiosity and creativity in the context of ICT and exchange experiences with makers.
European Solidarity Corps for All 2019.09.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This NET activity focuses on promotion to support participation of disadvantaged participants on ESC projects, encouraging and empowering youth workers, social workers to start inclusive solidarity projects under the European Solidarity Corps programme.
Traineeships and Jobs in the Solidarity Sector - NET 2019.09.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training activity offers networking opportunities and counselling support to organisations who are implementing or are willing to implement jobs and traineeships through the European Solidarity Corps.
European Conference ‘Youth for Human Rights’ 2019.09.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Estonian National Agency for Erasmus+ invites you to participate in the European Conference ‘Youth for Human Rights’ which will takes place in Tallinn, Estonia on October 29th-30th, 2019. The date of arrivals is on October 28th, there is reception.
Empower for employment (E4E) 2019.09.11. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course allows professionals to exchange experiences related to youth empowerment and the supporting youngsters in the active professional life transition. Participants will be able to deliver the activities of the proven program (E4E).
Learning to Fly! Training course on Facilitation of Learning in Youth work 2019.09.13. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
This pilot training course guides you through the world of Learning Processes in Youth Work. It is designed to support you to connect with your passion for facilitating learning in youth work and will equip you with a framework and the tools to do so.
ETS trainer skills workshop: Exploring learning environments in training 2019.09.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This TSW will offer the opportunity for trainers to explore how they define and develop learning environments.
“Embracing Diversity”- Training course on diversity management in Italy 2019.09.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
TC will give youth workers concrete methods for managing diversity and serve as a space for exploring various kinds of diversity. It aims to influence the daily practice of the participants by allowing them to learn from and be inspired by each other.
Keep It Real! Vilnius 2019 2019.09.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This TC is aimed at those who have no or only some experience in preparing an Youth Exchange. The main aim is to support YE applicants to increase main quality aspects in various phases of the project and prepare eligible Youth Exchange.
“Cherry on the cake” 2019.09.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Would you like to discover what makes a Youth Exchange the “Cherry on the cake”?
YOCOMO 3 2019.09.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
We are glad to invite you to the 3rd YOCOMO pilot training course based upon the ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers Working Internationally. This edition will focus on a systemic approach to competence development.
YOUTH@WORK: Youth Entrepreneurship CONFERENCE 2019.09.18. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
This cross-sectoral conference will build on the outcomes of the YOUTH@WORK Kick off Conference zooming on the opportunities and challenges surrounding youth entrepreneurship.
Professional Development Opportunity for Youth Workers 2019.09.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This is a training course for youth workers on using movement in drama techniques in working with young people. The training will explore the challenges and benefits of 'body work' and its application in a youth work context.
SMART Participation in Erasmus+ 2019.09.23. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are we "SMART" enough? A seminar on SMART Participation with the aim to enhance the participation of young people in the civic society.
Strategic Partnerships Plus 2019.09.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A three working days event aiming to develop viable cross-sectoral Strategic Partnerships under Key Action 2 - Strategic Partnerships in the field of education, training and youth. The thematic focus for this year will be democratic participation.
Be Initiative! 2019 2019.09.30. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Join "Be Initiative" training and learn how to contribute to creating a world you want to live in. Meet inspiring people, create projects and get support along the way.
APPETISER (UK) 2019.09.30. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ Youth in Action and partially to the European Solidarity Corps Programmes.
The Sound of Music V 2019.10.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
European Training Course for youth workers to explore the power of music in non-formal education activities with young people, with different aims (to relax, to activate, to cooperate, to reflect, to promote learning, etc).
Youth@Work Contact Making Seminar of National and Regional Consultative Groups 2019.10.07. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Following the successful Youth@Work Kick Off conference held in Istanbul, Turkey June 2019; this follow on seminar will bring together key national and regional actors cooperating with Youth@Work national agencies and support centres.
Cross Over 2019 2019.10.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Cross Over is an international training course with the main aim of improving the quality of KA2 strategic partnership projects with impact on the youth field.
The Power of Non Formal Education 2019.10.15. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
Sounding Minds 2019.10.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This activity aims to provide youth workers with good practices on how to appropriately handle situations involving young people and mental health issues.
DemoPeople IV 2019.10.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the seminar is to establish close international cooperation between programme and partner countries in the field of democracy and structured dialogue.
Inclusive ESC II 2019.10.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the activity is to encourage, support and develop inclusive projects in the frame of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programme.
Conference: Youth work in the digital era 2019.11.01. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Youngsters grow up in a digitally connected world. What do these developments mean for youth work? Discover the concept of digital youth work, best practices, learn how to adapt youth work practices and how to proactively meet young people's needs?
DIALOGUE: English language course for youth mobility 2019.11.03. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim of the training course is to break the language barriers and motivate youth workers active at the local/national level to start organize projects under Erasmus+ Youth Programme, especially in youth mobility projects.
Study Visit: Tandems for good practices of local youth work (HU) 2019.11.04. 3db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Get to know how municipalities, young people and associations organize youth work; broaden your perspectives and get new ideas for your daily work.
European Solidarity Corps for Newcomers 2019.11.07. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
European Solidarity Corps for Newcomers (ESC for Newcomers) aims to be a concrete and positive first step into European Solidarity Corps Programme.
ETS training course - COMETS on Designing Educational Programmes 2019.11.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
COMETS is a one-week course that supports advanced trainers to explore a certain competence area defined by the ETS Competence Model for Trainers. This edition focuses on 'Designing Educational Programmes'.
Training of Trainers for European Erasmus+: Youth in Action Projects 2019/2020, seminar 2 2019.11.25. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The major aim of this long-term training course is to train trainers who have the competences and the motivation to contribute to the improvement of the quality of projects within the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme of the European Union.
ATOQ NL 2019.12.03. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
ATOQ training course aim at increasing quality within youth exchanges. Based on previous exchanges, an international group of youth workers will focus on quality aspects and improve management competences in order to raise quality of future exchanges.
Exploring the digital dimension of youth workers’ competences 2019.12.04. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
This conference will explore the digital dimension of youth work by providing an overview of current developments and exploring competences of youth workers in existing competence models.
The Power of non formal education - I Euromed edition 2019.12.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim of this TC is improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
TICTAC - Multilateral Training Course (Italy) 2019.12.08. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
TICTAC is targeted at voluntary and professional youth workers and youth leaders interested in using international cooperation to enhance their local development strategies, it supports designing quality Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme projects.
Embracing Inclusion: Cross-sectoral Transnational Conference - POSTPONED 2019.12.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The cross-sectoral transnational ‘Embracing Inclusion’ conference will gather and disseminate the realities, achievements and aspirations of national and international inclusion projects under the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes.
Build your own "Social Startup Initiative" 2019.12.15. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Two-phased training course with an option of the realization mini-project, creation of methodology, how to work with the competencies needed to move towards the social economy.
Do IT in Youth Work // 2019.12.15. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim of this training course is to educate youth workers and IT professionals in methods and tools necessary for development of digital competencies of young people.
European Solidarity Corps: TOSCA (NET) 2020.01.02. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training activity aims to support and build up the capacities of organizations that actively participate in Volunteering Actions of the European Solidarity Corps, in order to ensure quality and impact in the respective projects.
APPETISER (DK) - CANCELLED 2020.01.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ and partially the European Solidarity Corps Programmes.
YOCOMO - the 3rd ETS learning experience for youth workers 2020.01.06. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
We are glad to invite you to participate to the 3rd edition of YOCOMO, learning experiences based on the ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers Working Internationally. This one is about a systemic view on competences.
Game of Cultures: new challenges for our communities 2020.01.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim of the training course is to improve the competence of youth workers in order to promote the active role of local communities in the inclusion of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.
Creating Safer Spaces – Human Rights and Diversity as Foundations in Youth Work 2020.01.10. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training discusses the understanding of human rights in youth work by looking at examples of groups that may face exclusion. How can we make youth work spaces safe for all kinds of young people?
Inclusion matchmaking – Find European partners for inclusion projects 2020.01.10. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
European inclusion networking across borders is still a challenge. This activity tackles these challenges by providing a European networking opportunity for professionals dealing with inclusion and those who are looking for partners in inclusion projects.
The Star of Europe - Czech Republic 2020.01.12. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Star of Europe training will take you through a youth exchange project from its very beginning to the very end, highlighting the ways how young people themselves can be involved in every step of their own youth exchange project.
Recognise It! - Develop strategies for recognition of youth work! - CANCELLED 2020.01.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A 5-day training course that will bring together the representatives of NGOs and local youth officers to develop strategies to foster recognition of youth work and non-formal learning at national and municipal level.
We Are All In (Study Visit and Partnership-building Activity) 2020.01.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The activity is a possibility for you to come to discover several volunteering projects that contribute to inclusion and at the same time to make contact with organisations that are interested in developing volunteering projects that focus on inclusion.
EYE Opener in Hungary 2020.01.19. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
EYE Opener offers an international learning experience to young people and practitioners active in youth work, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects within the E+ YiA Programme.
Inclusion Hackathon 2 - Step into DEOR (NET) - CANCELLED 2020.01.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This second part of a series of Seminars on Inclusion, wants to work on creating DEOR strategies for best practise on inclusion. The Focus will be on the videos, produced after part 1. The event is also open for new participants interesed in DEOR.
Europe talks about Solidarity (NET) - CANCELLED 2020.01.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The conference “Europe talks about Solidarity” will offer a space for conceptual debates around the understanding of solidarity in Europe. The event will bring together experts that will challenge the understanding of solidarity in the youth sector.
TOTEE2 2020.01.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
VALUE FAIR 2020 - POSTPONED, NEW DATES! 2020.01.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
VALUE FAIR 2020 supports actors in the youth field to share, understand and identify the VALUES on which we base our youth work and how it can contribute to better living together.
Mobility Taster for Inclusion Organisations (NET) 2020.01.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Did you know you can organise international volunteering projects for your young people from disadvantaged backgrounds? Come and discover what the European Solidarity Corps can do for you and the young people you work with.
“One 2 One” – supporting learning face-to-face - CANCELLED 2020.01.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim of this training course is to empower and equip youth workers with the competences needed to work in a One 2 One relationship with young people in order to support their learning and development processes.
Towards Collaborative Practice 2020 Forum on Social Innovation for Social Inclusion - ONLINE 2020.02.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
“Towards Collaborative Practice” Forum: A cross-sectoral event exploring the potential of youth work and Erasmus+ to foster social entrepreneurship and social innovation among young people.
THE POWER OF NON FORMAL EDUCATION 2020 - NEW DATES 2020.02.18. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
“Towards Collaborative Practice” (#TCPIsrael) - CANCELLED 2020.02.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The activity is a study visit with contact making elements focused on the sustainable aspects of social innovation and social entrepreneurship in European and Israeli contexts.
Europe Goes Local in Sweden. (2) - POSTPONED 2020.02.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This study visits contains a presentation of KEKS webbased system for documentation and follow up of youth work, The Logbook, and how it is used for developing youth work, both in theory and through visits to youth centres that are working with the system
Europe Goes Local Stakeholders Seminar - ONLINE 2020.02.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
60 experts will meet to exchange views on the future of the project and reflect on the tools and learning schemes planned under the umbrella of Europe Goes Local.
"Eutopia" Diversity in a Changing Europe - POSTPONED 2020.03.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The creative lab is designed for critical thinkers, who work with young people and are not afraid of opening controversial questions and questioning concepts.
The Real Deal PBA - Bulgaria 2020.03.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Real Deal offers newcomers (and slightly experienced) participants an opportunity to find partners to youth exchanges. The activity also supports the creation of initial project ideas and advises in programme planning.
PBA Make the Move VI - POSTPONED, NEW DATES! 2020.03.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A contact making seminar co-organized by NA BEFR and PT, in order to promote partnerships and develop quality Youth Exchanges, with a strong focus on Inclusion.
Queerasmus+ - CANCELLED 2020.03.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The contact making seminar is a space to learn about the realities of practices and challenges, and in response develop supports to increase the participation of the LGBTI+ community in Erasmus+ through partnership building.
YES, U2 - Engage NEET with community - POSTPONED 2020.03.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
YES, U2 - Engage NEET with community is about innovative youth work approaches to engage NEET youth with local community.
Validation Calling. Expert seminar - CANCELLED 2020.03.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Validation Calling is an international expert seminar for discussing the current situation and future perspectives related to the range of topics that have to do with the recognition and validation of the learning outcomes acquired in youth field.
InnoCamp - develop your digital youth work services - CANCELLED 2020.03.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are you interested in innovation and digitalisation in youth work? Would you like to discover a new tool to innovate your youth workers practices, services and approaches?
Get Your PhD in Youth Work (HU) - POSTPONED 2020.03.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
What is it a safe space and how to create it? And how is it influenced by physical, but also psychological and emotional aspects? During PhD!, you will find your answer.
Municipal Youth Work Practices in Finland - Study Visit - CANCELLED 2020.03.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
An opportunity to learn about municipal youth work practices & how quality youth work is implemented. Join to reflect & learn professional practices and the ways youth work can be developed. Come, network and apply these experiences to your realities.
Sports as a tool for education and fighting discrimination - POSTPONED 2020.03.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Sport plays an important role in our societies. It can be a very powerful tool for education and fighting discrimination when working with young. This TC will explore the different possibilities of Sport as a tool for education and inclusion
European Solidarity Corps: Jobs & Traineeship Quality Booster - CANCELLED 2020.03.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training - Quality Booster for Jobs & Traineeships, focuses on the quality elements in Jobs & Traineeship projects in the European Solidarity Corps.
ABC ON VOLUNTERING MENTORSHIP (NET) - POSTPONED 2020.03.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
“ABC on Volunteering mentorship, Training Course” is an opportunity for organizations running projects in the European Solidarity Corps, interested to train their mentors (or potential)
Let's go civic! Youth Exchanges for Civic Engagement - CANCELLED 2020.03.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A training aimed at making civic education an integral part of your youth work and youth exchanges.
Gender Equality & You Forum 2020 - CANCELLED 2020.03.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
We invite youth leaders from all over Europe to an open dialogue with their peers and European decision makers on the upcoming EU Gender Equality Strategy. The forum will highlight the importance of young voices in the gender equality discourse.
Perspectives for Youth Research 2030 - TÖRÖLVE 2020.03.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Open conference of the European network on the Research-based Analysis of European Youth Programmes (RAY) to explore the potential of youth research within and beyond the European youth programmes during the coming decade.
Drop-In 2020 2020.03.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The TC is designed to discover various reasons why youngsters disconnect from school, to experience different ways of learning, to reinforce synergies between formal and non-formal education and to share and learn tools, methods and best practices.
Meeting of the National Working Groups EU Youth Dialogue POSTPONED 2020.03.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A two and a half day meeting dedicated to representatives of the EU Youth Dialogue National Working Group consisting of a mix of training, networking and information sessions.
Let's Talk About Mental Health - ONLINE COURSE 2020.03.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Young people and youth workers need skills and attitudes to promote good mental health, well-being and healthy lifestyle among youth in Europe. But how? Let’s talk about mental health!
Your Voice - Your Choice - CANCELLED 2020.03.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
How can young people learn to participate? How do we engage young people in social and democratic processes in local communities? Which role does non-formal learning play in this?
MOVE IT – Youth mobility in the digital era - CANCELLED 2020.03.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Digital and smart youth work have been widely debated and conceptualised over the last years. It is time to do the same for international youth mobility which is one of the cornerstones of youth work.
From Knowing to Being - ETS Training for Trainers - CANCELLED 2020.03.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are you ready to live through and reflect on using and applying the ETS competence model for trainers working internationally with a focus on attitudes, values and inner readiness? If yes, we are looking forward to meet you in this training course!
ETS Trainer Skills Workshop: Well-being in training practices 2020.03.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This Trainer Skills Workshop intends to expand trainers’ practice exploration with regard to how they deal with well-being in training. It aims to equip them with the necessary skills to plan and approach 'well-being' as part of the learning process.
European Solidarity Corps: TOSCA 2020.04.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training activity aims to support and build up the capacities of organizations that actively participate in Volunteering Actions of the European Solidarity Corps, in order to ensure quality and impact in the respective projects.
Training of Trainers 2020/2021 - Seminar 1 (TOT 2020/2021 EDITION CANCELLED) 2020.06.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The major aim of this long-term training course is to train trainers who have the competences and the motivation to contribute to the improvement of the quality of projects within the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme of the European Union.
Democracy Reloading Launching Conference - NEW DATES! 2020.06.30. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Conference is about the role and potentials of municipalities in developing local democracy through youth participation in decision-making and will launch an online Toolkit to support the improvement of the relevant competences of municipalities.
APPETISER - E-learning 2020.07.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ and partially the European Solidarity Corps Programmes.
ETS Trainer Skills Workshop - Coaching mind-set and coaching skills for trainers - E-learning 2020.07.20. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The workshop for experienced trainers in the youth field will take place online and will explore coaching & mentoring practices in designing and delivering training activities.
The Sustainability Academy - 5Rs in Youth work - E-learning 2020.07.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Sustainability Academy is a 4-week online training in sustainable youth work.
Youth and Museums #MuseoJoven Online Seminar 2020.07.31. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The seminar aims to create a meeting space for youth workers, young people, and museum professionals with the intention of reflecting upon their relationship and bringing them closer together.
“ABC on Volunteering mentorship, T.C.” is an opportunity for organizations running projects in the European Solidarity Corps, interested to train their mentors (or potential)
Climate emergency: priorities from the youth 2020.07.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This activity aims to address the climate issue from a multidisciplinary and cross-cutting youth approach to the daily activity of organizations, so that young people are involved in a global way in this problem.
Match. Exchange. Develop. Youth Work against violent radicalisation and extremism 2020.08.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the PBA is to encourage and support projects focusing on the role of youth work in promoting community resilience in the framework of Erasmus+ Youth in Action and the European Solidarity Corps programmes.
Youth@Work 4.0 #DigComp for the Youth Work Sector 2020.08.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This activity is a result of one of the events of the Youth@Work Partnership. It will be a training course that aims to empower youth workers and build capacity for the development of digital youth work in organisations.
Linguistic Workout! 2020.08.23. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This TC aims to improve communication competences in English with a functional methodology focusing on international youth work within Erasmus+. It targets participants seeking to build partnerships and develop international youth projects.
YES, U2 - Engage NEET with community - ONLINE 2020.08.23. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
YES, U2 - Engage NEET with community is about innovative youth work approaches to engage NEET youth with local community.
Active and Engaged - Supporting young people's conscious active citizenship 2020.08.23. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Empowerment Is a buzz word commonly used in the youth sector but young people need platforms that support them to think consciously and critically about issues that affect their lives, the communities they live in.
V4-EaP YOUTH VIRTUAL EVENT 2020.08.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
From July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, Poland will hold the presidency of the Visegrad Group (V4). It is a regional cooperation forum of four Central European countries: the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary.
MOVED ONLINE - Among Others Seminar (HU) 2020.09.01. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
This online seminar will be held within the long-term cooperation project called 'Among Others' that focuses on intercultural competence, non-formal learning and international co-operation in youth work and higher education.
Online Conference: On track 4 2020.09.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This ONLINE cross-sectoral conference will address the NEET issues and showcase good practices, with the emphasize on cooperation between youth work and other sectors (formal education, employment, social & business sector...).
Solidarity Projects MEET-UP 2020 2020.09.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
We invite young people implementing local Solidarity projects for the first international ★Solidarity Projects MEET-UP 2020★! Together we’ll create an inspirational learning space, with inputs, exchange of experience and good practice.
Let's volunteer! 2020.09.11. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
This online activity is an opportunity for formal education institutions to get familiarized with the ESC program and get the basic information about volunteering projects and details on how to include international volunteers in their everyday work.
Cherry on the cake 2020.09.14. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Long term online and offline Training course. Would you like to discover what makes a Youth Exchange the “Cherry on the cake”? Are you willing to discover the long term work with other youth workers?
BiTriMulti (BTM) - OnlineTraining Course for newcomers in youth exchanges - NEW DATES! 2020.09.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the BTM course is to offer an international learning experience for practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects, especially newcomers to this field
„Special Puzzle" - TÖRÖLVE 2020.09.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Contact-making seminar for organisations working with youth with special needs under the guidelines of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) and Erasmus+ (Youth) programs.
Impact+: Youth Field 2020.09.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim of the training course is to equip participants with knowledge and skills for successful planning and assessing impact of the projects in the youth field.
SoliDARE online 2020.09.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
SoliDARE online aims to bring together representatives from organisations active in European Solidarity Corps programme. The event aims to start building up the community of organisations that are part of the European Solidarity Corps network.
TYE - Tools for Youth Exchanges - CANCELLED 2020.09.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A Youth Exchange needs content. Tools for Youth Exchanges is a training that enables participants to explore tools around group processes, (intercultural) learning, involvement of young people and how to facilitate these tools during a youth exchange.
European Solidarity Corps: Get started with Jobs & Traineeships: ONLINE 2020.09.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training focuses on the Jobs & Traineeship projects in the European Solidarity Corps. The training is open for organizations which do not have Quality Label not only from NGO but also business sector willing to do Jobs & Traineeships projects in ESC.
APPETISER (online edition) 2020.09.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+: Youth in Action and partially the European Solidarity Corps Programmes.
Bridges for Trainers 2020 - Rethinking - Reconnecting - Rebuilding 2020.09.28. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Bridges for Trainers (BfT) offers a platform to debate on trends and issues related to training in the youth field – national and international.
On-line TC on mental health in volunteering projects 2020.09.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training course will guide the participants towards better quality in supporting E+/ESC/EVS volunteers´ emotional well-being and understanding of the field of mental health and its importance for everyone.
CANCELLED - EGL - Cities Youth Council Study Visit (Big Cities or Capitals) 2020.10.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Europe Goes Local - Participant Registration form for Cities Youth Council Study Visit from Dec 14 to Dec 18, 2020 in Paris, from big Cities or Capitals
ONLINE - Solidarity: Opening the door to new volunteering fields (HU) 2020.10.15. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The event aims to bring together different organisations, newcomers and the ones that have experience and are interested in new fields of volunteering.
Solidarity in Your Municipality (online) 2020.10.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This on-line event will highlight the various possibilities the European Solidarity Corps brings to Municipalities, focusing on volunteering.
European Solidarity Corps International Meeting of Quality Label Experts 2020.10.20. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the meeting is to share experience on the changing system of Quality Label (QL) process and improve the quality work in our network.
Online- Are You(th) Aware? Training course on self-awareness and wellbeing in Youth Work 2020.10.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Self-awareness and well-being are essential for any person facing the challenges of a fast changing and ambiguous life. This online training will help you to foster these qualities in yourself and young people.
EYE Liner in Greece 2020.10.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
EYE Liner offers an international learning experience to practitioners active in youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects within the E+ YiA Programme.
Star of Europe - Online 2020.11.02. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Star of Europe training will take you through a youth exchange project from its very beginning to the very end, highlighting young people's involvement. You will also learn how to use the digital Star of Europe material in building the exchange.
BiTriMulti (BTM) - Online Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges 2020.11.05. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the BTM course is to offer an international learning experience for practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects, especially newcomers to this field.
ONLINE COURSE: PLAY- Plan for Active Youth 2020.11.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A training course focused on increasing the impact of youth participation in local communities by sharing methods and good practices.
Erasmus Goes Greener / 2020.11.08. 3db élménybeszámoló Részletek
We invite you to take part in a longer term process to make E+ and ESC greener. In these 2 first steps online we look at how to lower project's carbon footprint by using resources in more efficient ways and how to communicate and educate more sustainable.
Enhancing youth participation (ONLINE COURSE) 2020.11.10. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The course intends to value spaces & structures for the democratic participation of young people online, making them effective places for meaningful participation, positive and democratic change.
Citizenship Reloaded: digital citizenship 2020.11.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
ATTENTION: This training course has been cancelled because it has to be realised during the lockdown time. New version has been consequently adapted according to the virtual and digital tools.
Key to Inclusion 2020.11.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
You will learn more on how you can work with inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities through volunteering projects. You will also receive an understanding for how these projects are an effective tool to support youngsters with fewer opportunities.
LEADERSHIP AS A VEHICLE TO YOUTH PARTICIPATION - online TC 2020.11.22. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of this TC is to transfer the understanding of the importance of leadership&initiating principles within youth participation in order to support young people in becoming effective drivers of change within their local, national&European communities
Volunteering – A Bridge to Inclusion ?! - II Edition 2020.11.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
An evaluation, exchange of practices & studies seminar, to assess the impact of volunteering activities on young people life, concerning the acquisition and development of personal, social and professional competences leading to real inclusion.
Postpone: TEC Forum 2021 2020.11.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The TEC (Training and Evaluation Cycle) Forum 2021 is a seminar designed for trainers active in the European Solidarity Corps and who implement the TEC learning cycle.
“One 2 One” – supporting learning face-to-face goes online! 2020.12.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim of this course is to empower and equip youth workers with competences needed to work in a one-2-one relationship with young people in order to support their learning and development processes.
InnoCamp - develop your digital youth work services 2020.12.07. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are you interested in innovation and digitalisation in youth work? Would you like to discover a new tool to innovate your youth workers practices, services and approaches?
BiTriMulti - Online Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges 2020.12.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the BTM course is to offer an international learning experience for practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects, especially newcomers to this field.
Additional support in European Solidarity Corps 2021.01.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This Training Course will give to participants the opportunity to explore on how can they turn ESC projects into an effective tool for Inclusion focused on participation of young people with functional and mental diversity in ESC projects
"Solidarity online: keep on training" 2021.01.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Solidarity online: keep on training is a training course that aims to bring together trainers that are interested to develop their competence to approach solidarity in their future online and offline events.
EYE Liner in Sweden 2021.01.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
EYE Liner offers an international learning experience to practitioners active in youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects within the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
The Powder of Non Formal Education (online) 2021.01.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
TYE - Tools for Youth Exchanges, online edition 2021.01.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The overall aim of TYE - Tools for Youth Exchanges - is for youth leaders and youth workers to explore, share and adapt tools that can be used to improve their youth exchange projects.
Democracy Reloading: Training Module A 2021.01.31. 3db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training course will support Erasmus + agencies in desigining and implementing activities based on the Online Toolkit for municipalities. We will train trainers, experts, consultants & other multipliers to help municipalities in improving their work.
Training of Trainers for European Erasmus+: Youth in Action Projects 2021/2022 2021.02.02. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The major aim of this long-term training course is to train trainers who have the competences and the motivation to contribute to the improvement of the quality of projects within the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme of the European Union.
The Pow(d)er of Non-Formal Education 2021.02.26. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of NFE, through a process of identifying a concrete local need and expected impacts in the reality of participants, and support the design of a concrete tool to implement in their local realities after the training course.
HOP CRASH COURSE 2021.03.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The online course to learn what is quality in online learning and how to implement courses at HOP platform. Dedicated to trainers/facilitators working with NAs/SALTOs, KA2 and KA3 consortiums. After this course your online learning will gain WINGS!
BiTriMulti (BTM) - GR 2021.03.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the BTM course is to offer an international learning experience for practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects, especially newcomers to this field.
Star of Europe - Online 2021.03.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Star of Europe training will take you through a youth exchange project from its very beginning to the very end, highlighting young people's involvement. You will also learn how to use the digital Star of Europe material in building the exchange.
EYE LINER 2021.03.23. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This online training course approaches all the basics you need to organise and apply for a grant for youth exchanges in E+/YiA, with a clear, priority focus on projects concretely involving young people from the very beginning of the process.
Activating citizens –municipalities making use of the European Solidarity Corps 2021.03.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This online event with about 25 municipalities from all over Europe will highlight the various possibilities of the European Solidarity Corps to promote active citizenship in local communities.
Mobility Taster for Inclusion Organisations - Digital 2021.03.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Did you know you can organise international youth projects for your young people from disadvantaged backgrounds? Come and discover in this digital activity what Erasmus+ Youth can do for you and the young people you work with.
The Confusion of Inclusion 2021.04.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
There are many barriers to inclusion that present themselves across Europe. we will go beyond the confusion, and create a space to equip participants with non-formal learning tools to foster inclusion within their work with young people.
Creative & Tech Learning Mix 2021.04.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Aim of the training is to provide creative and digital tools to empower Youth Workers and Erasmus+ Youth and the ESC practitioners to understand how, creative learning and technology learning can be integrated into youth work practice.
TYE-Tools for Youth Exchanges, online edition 2021.04.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The overall aim of TYE - Tools for Youth Exchanges - is for youth leaders and youth workers to explore, share and adapt tools that can be used to improve their youth exchange projects.
Flash SE+ssions: Creativity and Innovation in E+ and ESC - Digital Youth Work 2021.04.08. 3db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Digital skills are extremely important for youth workers these days, especially now that face-to-face contacts with young people are limited. In this session, we will explore approaches and tools you can use to engage young people digitally.
CONNECTION: Youth worker on European Solidarity Corps 2021.04.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This activity aims to discover and support the competences development of youth workers in the European Solidarity Corps Programme through the ETS competence model for youth workers, increasing the quality of the projects.
Volunteering & solidarity as a social capital of the city 2021.04.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
An international online conference to promote wider and systemic social and economic dimensions and impacts of volunteering and solidarity activities in urban settings.
Youth Leadership for Sustainable Development 2021.04.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This activity aims to foster Youth Leadership for Sustainable Development, deepening the knowledge about Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and developing Youth projects of international cooperation.
Youth Goals Project Lab 2021.04.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the event is the development of quality Erasmus + / Youth and European Solidarity Corps projects that will be addressing the Youth Goals.
Flash SE+ssions: Creativity and Innovation in E+ and ESC - Mental and Emotional Health 2021.04.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The effects of stress and life's difficulties are increasingly visible, especially with the current pandemic. In this session, we will explore techniques for emotional and mental well-being, both for youth workers and for young people.
SDGS and ME 2021.04.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of this seminar is to offer those working with young people an international learning experience, enabling them to develop their competencies in connecting local issues to global issues using the Sustainable Development Goals as a framework.
EUROPE@DJHT – 17th German Child and Youth Welfare Congress 2021.05.02. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
DJHT is the biggest summit for the child and youth welfare community in Europe. DJHT with more than 200 professional events, supports the qualification of experts and provides diverse stimuli. Europe@DJHT offers a broad programme in English.
Flash SE+ssions: Creativity and Innovation in E+ and ESC - Creative Thinking and Problem-Solving 2021.05.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
New situations require new solutions. The pandemic demanded new ways of working with young people and in this session, we will explore concrete tools to come up with these solutions and promote creative thinking in youth work.
Quality Label, Good Practices Exchange 2021.05.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Do you plan to apply for Quality Label? Do you wish to improve your project management competences and increase your understanding of Quality? Are you ready to share or exchange good practices about QL? Then this course is for you!
Flash SE+ssions: Creativity and Innovation in E+ and ESC - Supporting Learning Journeys - E+ 2021.05.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Erasmus+ for Beginners - new programme Explore how Erasmus+ can support local youth work and go international. Get ideas to involve young people and learn how your organisation can develop by using the Eramus+ programme.
Quest4Quality - The online version of ATOQ 2021.05.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Quest4Quality is the online version of the ATOQ training course, which takes youth exchange organisers through a playful and gameful learning experience - online and offline - to pursue the quality in their youth exchange projects.
Let's cooperate for inclusion! 2021.05.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This 3 days on-line seminar aims to introduce and support organisations targeting young people with health and diverse abilities to Strategic Partnerships projects and European Solidarity Corps projects in the youth field.
Volunteering and solidarity activities with deaf and hard of hearing persons 2021.05.23. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Partnership Building Activity offers a space to explore possibilities of working with deaf and hard of hearing young persons in the framework of (European) volunteering and solidarity activities.
European Solidarity Corps International Training for Quality Label Experts 2021.05.26. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the training is to learn more about the new elements in Quality Label process and quality standards as well as to develop skills and competencies of internal and external Quality Label experts. This will improve the quality work in our network.
Flash SE+ssions: Creativity and Innovation in E+ and ESC - Supporting Learning Journeys - ESC 2021.05.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Discover what can be achieved in this programme and the different types of projects funded. Learn to support young peoples’ learning processes along the way and develop you organisation both locally and internationally.
Democracy Reloading: Training Module B 2021.05.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training course will support municipality staff in desigining, developing and implementing youth participation in decision making and improving local democracy through the use of the Democracy Reloading online Toolkit.
Pop in your neighbour! Slovak-Hungarian partnership-building workhops 2021.06.03. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
This long-term project aims to inspire cooperation between Hungarian NGOs and professionals from the youth field of Slovakia and Hungary. The working language of the project is Hungarian.
European Solidarity Corps: TOSCA online 2021.06.03. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The online training activity aims to support and build up the capacities of organizations that actively participate in volunteering actions of the European Solidarity Corps, in order to ensure quality and impact in the respective projects.
inSPIre Week for Inclusion 2021.06.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Get fresh inclusion ideas at the 'inSPIre Week for Inclusion'
Erasmus Goes Greener - 2021.06.07. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
EGG provides a possibility to network and share between organisations who are interested in how to make Erasmus+ projects greener. You don't need previous knowledge about sustainability or green projects, just motivation to make a change.
Digital Partnership-Building Activity: Growing Together 2021.06.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The PBA will be a unique opportunity for creating new partnerships in the field of European Solidarity Corps 2021/2027 among Participating and Partner Countries. This activity is an opportunity to learn and practice Project Development.
Reflect What Your Practices Are (Among Others ws) 2021.06.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The “REFLECT WHAT YOUR PRACTICES ARE ” webinar is the first of 3 interactive webinars leading up to the “Among Others” seminar taking place online November 17th -20th 2021.
Adventure Europe. 2021.06.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A training for youth social workers, who work with youth living in precarious situations, homes or care (youth care). The training uses outdoor education and experiential learning to motivate and enable youth to become active (European) citizens.
V4-EaP-WB Virtual Seminar: Youth Digital Inclusiveness 2021.06.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The event will provide space for youth workers and youth activists from the Visegrad Group countries, the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkans to share experiences, establish contacts and discuss issues related to digital inclusion of young people.
TOOL FAIR XV - BACK TO THE FUTURE 2021.07.05. 6db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The International Tool Fair is a place offering the opportunity to test and taste new tools, analyse, exchange and evaluate them, in order to valorise creativity in non-formal education pedagogical initiatives.
ONLINE - TICTAC II - Multilateral Training Course 2021.07.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
TICTAC is targeted at voluntary and professional youth workers and youth leaders interested in using international cooperation to enhance their local development strategies, it supports designing quality Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme projects.
Inclusion & Diversity Forum 2021.07.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The ID Forum aims to create greater visibility for Inclusion & Diversity and to build bridges between stakeholders active in the field within the EU youth programmes. It's THE Inclusion & Diversity event of the year!
Cross Over - Training for Quality in Strategic Cooperation Across Sectors for the Youth Field 2021.07.27. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The TC aims to contribute to improving the quality of project preparation and implementation, and to achieving a greater positive impact of developed KA2 projects on different levels relevant for youth and the youth field.
BiTriMulti (BTM) - Multilateral Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges-- 2021.08.15. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the BiTriMulti course is to offer an international learning experience for those active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects, especially newcomers to this field.
FOCUS: Learning 2021.08.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Invitation to all people who are involved in youth worker training and education to participate in the dissemination conference FOCUS: Learning - Concepts and practices in youth work education and training.
Being inclusive is "IN" - Study visit in Slovakia 2021.08.23. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Study visit of will help the participants to understand the concept of Inclusion in practice, to recognize the possibilities of E+ and ESC programs for Inclusion, to discuss the good examples and meet youth with experience of Inclusion in the land.
YOCOMO – an ETS learning experience for youth workers 2021.08.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Youth work is systemic and youth workers’ competences do not develop in a vacuum: everything and everyone plays a role. What are the systemic skills needed for youth workers? What is the value of looking at competence development from that perspective?
Europe Goes Local in Sweden 2021.08.26. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This study visits contains a presentation of KEKS webbased system for documentation and follow up of youth work, The Logbook, and how it is used for developing youth work, both in theory and through visits to youth centres that are working with the system
Among Others, Webinar 2; Reflect & React 2021.08.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The “Reflect & React ” webinar will take place September 16th 3-5 pm CET. This is the second of a series of 3 interactive webinars leading up to the “Among Others” annual international seminar (online) Nov 17th -19th 2021.
Building eco-literacy 2021.08.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
In order to equip young people for the green labour market, the training course aims to prepare and inspire professionals working with and for young people to bring an ecological focus in their labour market orientation projects.
European Solidarity Corps: TOSCA – online training and support for organisations 2021.08.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The online training activity aims to support and build up the capacities of organizations that actively participate in volunteering actions of the European Solidarity Corps, in order to ensure quality and impact in the respective projects.
Star of Europe - Online 2021.08.31. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Star of Europe training will take you through a youth exchange project from its very beginning to the very end, highlighting young people's involvement. You will also learn how to use the digital Star of Europe material in building the exchange.
TÖRÖLVE! Towards Collaborative Practice 2020 Forum - Malta 2021.09.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A cross-sectoral event exploring the potential of youth work and Erasmus+ to foster social entrepreneurship and social innovation among young people.
Youth@Work “Social Entrepreneurship for Youth Employability-SEYE 2021.09.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Youth@Work:Social Entrepreneurship for Youth Employability training will promote among youth workers &professionals understanding of social entrepreneurship & motivation for social business as a tool to tackle unemployment&increase social commitment.
YES, U2 - Engage NEET with community 2021.09.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are you in a position of responsibility to engage NEET youth within communities? NEET’s are identified with what they are “Not” . Instead, we will use hopeful future approach to develop practical strategies on how to connect NEET's with community.
Impact+: Youth Field 2021.09.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim of the activity is to equip participants with knowledge and skills needed to successfully plan and assess the impact of projects in the field of youth in order to carry out more impactful projects.
Mentoring under Construction - Let's face it! 2021.09.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Mentoring under Construction is a process of exploration and community building in the landscape of mentoring within the European Solidarity Corps. This time for real, in a face to face event!
Let's go civic! Youth Exchanges for Civic Engagement 2021.09.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A training aimed at making civic education an integral part of your youth work and youth exchanges.
“One 2 One - facilitating learning face to face” 2021.09.12. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
We are happy to invite you to the 6th edition of this training course where we explore the power of the individual relationship in supporting the learning processes of young people.
Youth@Work “International Symposium on Youth Employment Challenges” ISYEC 2021.09.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Youth@Work International Symposium on Youth Employment Challenges” ISYEC will promote among private sector professionals and youth workers an advanced level of cross-sectoral collaboration and networking for more effective and sustainable partnerships.
C.O.A.C.H. Training Course_ 2021.09.13. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
5 days long course for youth workers to learn about, practice and develop own methods of coaching. Coaching is a tool for empowerment. It takes integrity, leadership and creativity to be a good facilitator and trainer.
VulnerABILITY in and after Covid times - CANCELLED 2021.09.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course aims to support youth workers to develop their competences in understanding vulnerability and exploring its potential in reinforcing young people's self confidence, participation and inclusion, in and after Covid times.
Strengthen young people to solve their conflicts without violence 2021.09.17. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The seminar gives professionals the opportunity to exchange best practices to empower and equip young people with the required knowledge to tackle violence amongst peers.
Communication Academy 2021.09.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Have you ever had the feeling that you are doing a great job in your project and that the results deserve to be better known? Well, if you had, then Communication Academy is the place for you.
Step into Cooperation Partnerships within Erasmus+ Youth 2021.09.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course aims to increase competences in developing quality Cooperation Partnerships in the youth field within Erasmus+ Youth KA2.
AccessAbility - CANCELLED 2021.09.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This partnership-building activity will be an opportunity to find partners and partner organisations for future international cooperation to take forward inclusive projects within European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+.
APPETISER (ONLINE) 2021.09.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps Programmes.
DIGIT/ERACY 2021.09.23. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Digit/eracy is 6 days TC for social actors as the driving force in the youth sector to gain practical competences for exploring the topic of Digital Literacy, Critical Thinking and Media influence.
Empower inclusiv-ability 2021.09.26. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
A capacity building activity open for youth organisations willing to empower inclusive activities in their work with young people with disabilities and health conditions. A new tool emphasizing hands-on approach will be launched.
Among Others, Webinar 3; Life after Among Others 2021.09.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The “Life after Among Others ” webinar will take place Oct 14th 3-5 pm CET. This is the third of a series of 3 interactive webinars leading up to the “Among Others” annual international seminar (online) Nov 17th -19th 2021
“Towards Collaborative Practice” (HU) 2021.10.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A great opportunity to discover, connect to successful initiatives, and learn more about social entrepreneurship and youth work in Hungary, as well as about how the European Solidarity Corps can support social entrepreneurship among young people.
Connector 6.0 2021.10.03. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Connecting the world by non-formal digital learning. The Romanian NA started organizing Connector in 2014, aiming that the event – focused on sharing and experiencing non-formal learning methods - would become, a European reference point in this area.
The Power of Non Formal Education- 2021.10.04. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
Mobility Taster for Inclusion Organisations - Focus on Volunteering 2021.10.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Did you know you can organise international volunteering projects for your young people from disadvantaged backgrounds? Come and discover what the European Solidarity Corps can do for you and the young people you work with.
English language TC for youth workers (V4+EaP+Serbia) 2021.10.11. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim is to break the language barrier and motivate youth workers active at the local/national level to start to organize international projects under program Erasmus+ especially in Key Action 1.
Transnational Seminar - Among Others 2021 2021.10.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Among Others Transnational Seminar will take place Nov 17 - 19. This seminar aims to share the outcomes of national Among Others activities (including the context, ideas, resources) and and to evaluate the 2020-2021 phase of the project.
Blended event: Solidarity_Opening the door to new volunteering fields 2021.10.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
We want to open the door to new fields in volunteering! The event aims to bring together different organisations, newcomers and the ones that have experience and are interested in new fields of volunteering.
FITA 6 – From Idea To Action 6 2021.10.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
“From Idea to Action 6” is a 5 days training course, which targets youth workers and youth leaders. The main aim of this ourse is to empower participants to develop their competences promoting and supporting Youth Entrepreneurship in the social field.
See Beyond - Training of Trainers on Youthpass 2021.10.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
We are happy to invite you – trainers – for a training for trainers on Youthpass and on supporting learning in youth work and solidarity activities!
Recognition of competences acquired in the non-formal sector 2021.10.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The value of non-formal learning for youngsters will be discussed by experts/practitioners of (non)-formal education -experts conceptual and research level; -practitioners' best practices and tools; -the participants themselves ( workshops)
The Star of Europe - Czech Republic- 2021.10.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Star of Europe training will take you through a youth exchange project from its very beginning to the very end, highlighting the ways how young people themselves can be involved in every step of their own youth exchange project.
The Power of Non-Formal Education 2021.10.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The activity aims at Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods as well as to promote cross-sectoral cooperation in education by bridging different approaches and methods between formal and non formal education actors.
Democracy Reloading Stakeholder Conference - Online Sessions 2021.10.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Parallel online sessions of the residential Democracy Reloading Stakeholder Conference taking place in the same time in Portimáo, Portugal. These online sessions are designed for those who could not travel to the event.
International Countryside_ 2021.10.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Small organisations in rural areas can find human resources as a challenge in organising international youth projects. This study visit shows good practices in one region in Finland. The countryside can be international!
SSV "Learning Through Sports"-2 2021.10.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of this activity is to gather organizations and youthworkers that are from the sports field and to introduce them the examples of using sport as a tool in youthwork in Turkey.
ATOQ TR - Advanced Training on Quality for Youth Exchanges, Turkey 2021.10.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
ATOQ training course is aimed at youth workers who want to raise the quality of their youth exchanges. The course focuses on improving the management of the project, the cooperation with partners, the programme of activities and their dissemination.
European Academy on Youth Work - Webinar 1: Innovation in Times of Disruption 2021.11.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Would you like to take a moment to explore the concept of Innovation in your youth work practice with colleagues from across Europe? This webinar offers inspiring inputs from theory and practice by experts and interesting conversations with peers.
Training for Mentors - online NET Activity 2021.11.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The role of mentors in European Solidarity Corps’ (ESC) volunteering projects and its impact on quality will be explored and highlighted in this course.
Building Cohesive Societies Together 2021.11.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course will take 4 full days and will target youthworkers working in humanitarian aid and migration fields. Especially those who are more in designing and implementing programmes for the migrants/refugees and host communities.
TOSCA – online training and support for organisations active in ESC 2021.11.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The online training activity aims to support and build up the capacities of organizations that actively participate in volunteering actions of the European Solidarity Corps, in order to ensure quality and impact in the respective projects.
Train the Trainers: Inlining Online Processes 2021.11.10. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training course will take place through online ZOOM meetings and the use of the SALTO HOP Platform (moodle).
Brothers for Quality for V4 2021.11.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Doing volunteering projects with the European Solidarity Corps? Spending a lot of time and energy on recruiting volunteers and finding a supporting partner for them abroad?
Youth@Work Seminar: Future Of Work For Young People 2021.11.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This seminar will provide a platform for exploring trends and challenges of the future of work as well as searching and creating cross-sectoral responses to future needs.
Intersections in youth work education pathways and practices 2021.11.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The seminar offers a mutual learning space to explore the similarities and differences of how youth work as a professional practice and the formal education of youth workers are connected in various countries, as well as showcasing practices from Hungary.
Green Project Lab for young people 2021.11.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training supports young people to develop their own project ideas in the the field of environmental protection and climate action. It covers basic project management skills and the application procedure with the European Solidarity Corps.
Project Lab on Inclusion 2021.11.23. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
An online training course aims to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to develop their own inclusion project under programs Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps.
ETS Trainers‘ Skills Workshop (TSW): Supporting NFL in a digital environment 2021.11.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training supports young people to develop their own project ideas in the the field of environmental protection and climate action. It covers basic project management skills and the application procedure with the European Solidarity Corps.
No Dead Ends – Guidance Supporting All the Way - CANCELLED 2021.12.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
How to support learning and employment throughout the growing up of young people? Join the cross-sectoral seminar to see good practices of guidance and support of pupils, students and young people throughout their development and see its possibilities.
APPETISER - An introduction on how to use the Εrasmus+ YiA Programmes for international youth work 2022.01.10. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ Youth in Action and partially to the European Solidarity Corps Programmes.
Introduction training for newcomers to Youth Exchanges - BiTriMulti 2022.01.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course takes you through the different stages of setting up and running a quality Youth Exchange project. The training is designed for newcomers to Youth Exchanges and Erasmus+.
2nd ETS Conference - The Quality Bonus 2022.01.17. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Quality Bonus Conference focuses on education and training of youth workers at national level. It identifies how to strengthen spaces for synergies, cooperation, and joint reflection on youth work at the European level using the EU Youth programmes.
Strengthening Local Youth Work through European Charter Ambassadors 2022.01.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Europe Goes Local network and its coordinating National Agency, JINT vzw (Belgium-Flanders) is calling for participants for the European Training Course for Charter Ambassadors.
ATOQ Advanced Training On Quality - Netherlands 2022.01.23. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
ATOQ training course is aimed at youth workers who want to raise the quality of their youth exchanges. The course focuses on improving the management of the project, the cooperation with partners, the programme of activities and their dissemination.
G- PAC: Green partnerships for cooperation 2022.01.23. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A training course on how to write a successful application combined with elements of a classic contact-making seminar, tackling green education in Europe and how to approach this priority in partnerships for cooperation.
Media and Information literacy as a tool to better respond to the “new normality” 2022.02.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
We will highlight the importance of media and information literacy (MIL) in youth work, taking the approach of youth information service providers and transposing it to other areas of the field, discuss new developments and their impact on youth work.
Power to you(th) - ONLINE TRAINING 2022.02.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
An online learning experience for youth workers to explore how to meaningfully engage young people in youth-led activities focussing on empowerment & recognising the value of non formal learning using Erasmus+ Youth/ European Solidarity Corps programme.
Mentoring under Construction - Let's face it in 2022! 2022.02.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Mentoring under Construction is a process of exploration and community building in the landscape of mentoring within the European Solidarity Corps. This time for real, in a face to face event!
Go for Change! 2022.02.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This modular training is designed to support local youth work developers to improve the quality of local youth work by using participatory action-research tools and creating strong local strategies, in line with existing European practices and policies.
Youth@Work “Digital Green Innovation” Conference 2022.02.17. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
This conference aims to explore the employability and entrepreneurship opportunities in the digital and green sectors and thus create a cross-sectoral network of professionals.
Training of Trainers and Facilitators on online learning 2022.02.22. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The course will enable participants to explore and learn in a practical way how to design online learning and training activities. They will use online tools and the HOP platform to create online learning activities.
A.C.T. for Democracy (Active Citizens Together for Democracy) 2022.02.23. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A.C.T. for DEMOCRACY is an educational pathway that gives possibility to go deeper into the values, concepts and effective mechanisms to ensure youth participation through active dialogue, cooperation and effective decision-making processes.
Cross the Line - European youth work for future youth workers - csak ELTE PPK hallgatóknak 2022.03.03. 7db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are you excited about youth work and do you want to exchange about it with your fellow students from Belgium-Flanders, Finland, The Netherlands, Germany and Hungary?
Youth@Work study visit - One-Stop Guidance Centers in Finland 2022.03.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
In this study visit you will get a thorough understanding how One Stop Guidance Centres in Finland work.
EYE Liner in Romania 2022.03.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
In this online TC, you will learn all the basics to organize and apply for a grant for youth exchanges in Erasmus+ (Youth), with a priority focus on projects concretely involving young people from the very beginning of the process.
TOSCA–online training and support for organisations active in the volunteering actions in the ESC 2022.03.06. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The online training activity aims to support and build up the capacities of organisations that actively participate in volunteering actions of the European Solidarity Corps, in order to ensure quality and impact in the respective projects.
Make the Move for Green Inclusion! 2022.03.09. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
A new edition of the well known contact making seminar "Make the Move", aiming at bringing together youth field actors to create parnerships and work on the design and implementation of Youth Exchanges, on the topics of environment and inclusion.
DOES IT MAKE SENSE? - How to foster critical thinking in young people 2022.03.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This TC aims to train youth workers to support young people to think in a complex world and grow their ability to question if others' ideas and opinions are just, fair and evidence-based.
The Power of Non Formal Education 2022 2022.03.11. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
The Power of Non Formal Education. 2022.03.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
European Academy on Youth Work, 2nd edition 2022.03.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Do you want to reflect and discuss with colleagues from the European youth work field trends and innovation in youth work, how to implement and support it, and how to get youth work ready for the challenges of the future? Then join us at the 2nd EAYW!
What’s good for you(th)? Conveying well-being among partygoers: sex, drugs & rock’n roll. 2022.03.14. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Youth workers will discuss the relation between health and well-being and discover elements to foster and support the wellbeing of young people. During a field visit actors involved in the promotion of well-being will be presented.
Digital Youth Work and Educational Obstacles 2022.03.16. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Main aim of the activity is to increase the number and improve the quality of Erasmus+ and ESC projects involving young people in NEET situation.
EUROPEAN FORUM OF YOUNG LEADERS 2022.03.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
4-day hybrid conference in Katowice, Poland for young European leaders from the EU and neighbouring countries with panel discussions and thematic sessions on different important aspects of European youth cooperation.
EGL Study visit in Lithuania 2022 2022.03.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Study visit aims to explore youth work in Lithuania.
Queerasmus+ 2022.03.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Queerasmus+ is a contact making seminar where we invite representatives from queer youth groups and LGBTI+ friendly organisations to learn from and get inspired by each other’s activities.
AccessAbility - EU Youth programmes as enablers of mobility projects for youth with disabilities 2022.03.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This partnership-building activity will be an opportunity to find partners and partner organisations for future international cooperation to take forward inclusive projects within European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+.
Europe talks about Solidarity 2022.03.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Europe talks about Solidarity will offer a space for a dialogues around the understanding of solidarity in Europe. The event will bring together experts that will challenge the understanding of solidarity in the youth sector.
EXIT - Experiential Learning for Inclusion Training 2022.03.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A training for youth workers, trainers and professionals, welcoming those with diverse abilities as well, who would like to refresh their toolbox in the topic of inclusion based on experiential learning methodologies.
MENTAL SNAC Kick-Off Meeting of Partners 2022.03.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The activity aims to collect the needs of the participating countries of the SNAC, form an activity plan to follow and decide on the structure of the process. This is the starting meeting where the partnership plans the process and makes decisions together, based on national and common needs.
A Training for Beginner Trainers 2022.03.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A Training for Beginner Trainers is a 5 day international training course focused on developing competences linked with the design of trainings, activities and learning experiences in the field of youth work.
TEC Forum 2022 2022.03.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The TEC (Training and Evaluation Cycle) Forum 2022 is a seminar designed for trainers active in the European Solidarity Corps and NA officers who implement the TEC learning cycle.
First Steps to International Youth Work for Rural Newcomers 2022.03.31. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are you interested in international youth activities in rural settings, but you don't know how to start? Join this training and understand what European projects fit your needs and your young people.
Emotional Well-being, Art and Youth Work 2022.04.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
We invite youth workers to learn more about how to use art in supporting emotional well-being of young people. The course provides knowledge on emotional well-being, practical art workshops and reflection sessions about the role of youth workers.
Power of Digital Youth Work 2022.04.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Digital part 1 - 26-28 April 2022 Digitalisation came to stay, it is time to empower youth workers with digital competences and an agile mindset.
WELLCORE. Creative tools for WELL-being, COnnection and REsilience 2022.04.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Well-Being and resilience are two important aspects while working with people. During this 5 day training course, youth workers will explore different movement- and connection based methods and styles from 4 experienced trainers and from each other.
GOT NEXT*: Youth workers next in line to make change 2022.04.08. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
During this seminar young change makers get the chance to slow down together in order to meet the urgent challenges of their youth work by looking at the personal, interpersonal and systemic level.
Inclusion Training for Trainers (Latvia) 2022.04.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A course for trainers in the youth (work) sector who want to make their activities more inclusive for diverse target groups (adapt to individual needs) + address topics of Inclusion & Diversity effectively in their activities (create an I&D mindset).
BRIDGES TO SOLIDARITY 2022.04.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training course is an opportunity for youth workers to reflect on their role in creating solidarity within the communities and will enable them to self assess and develop further their competences of process facilitation in strengthening communities.
APPETISER - An introduction on how to use the ‘E+ Y’ Programmes for international youth work 2022.04.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ Youth and partially to the European Solidarity Corps Programmes.
The 10th InterCity Youth Conference – Participation 3.0 2022.04.14. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Want to meet colleagues from abroad and discuss about tools, methods & practices regarding youth participation? Are you a civil servant responsible for youth work or a local youth work manager? Welcome to 10th ICY Conference – Participation 3.0!
From Knowing to Being - ETS Training for Trainers. 2022.04.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are you ready to live through and reflect on using and applying the ETS competence model for trainers working internationally with a focus on attitudes, values and inner readiness? If yes, we are looking forward to meet you in this training course!
Let’s talk about (anti)racism seminar 2022.04.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
3days seminar on anti-racism will give youth workers and other professionals, chance to better understand the racial (mis)concepts, roots of racial discrimination and power structures and at the same time reflect on their role in change making.
A Partnership Building Activity with Young People 2022.04.19. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
With this Partnership Building Activity (PBA) we invite teams of youth workers and young people to come together, get to know each other and explore the possibility of making an international Erasmus+ project together.
Municipal Youth Work in Helsinki 2022.04.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Come and see how Finland's largest city Helsinki organises its municipal youth work. Large cities have to provide services for diverse groups and they have to work smartly. See how youth work is structured and delivered in the Capital of Finland!
Youth Work in Schools 2022.04.19. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Youth workers and teachers have different roles, but in the school environment both of them are needed. Join the study visit to see how youth workers play an important role in the school system and how the cooperation works.
TYE - Tools for Youth Exchanges-TR 2022.04.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A Youth Exchange needs content – behind the content are tools. Tools for Youth Exchanges is a training that enables participants to explore tools around group processes, (intercultural) learning, involvement of young people.
Building Resilient communities: youth work preventing violent radicalization and extremism 2022.04.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The activity will be an international seminar aimed at supporting resilient communities where phenomena like extremism or radicalization could be mitigated thanks to youth work.
Learning Playground in Volunteering 2022.04.26. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
We invite hosts, organisers and mentors in ESC volunteering projects to join us in discovering spatial aspects of learning environments, playing with (co)creating empowering learning spaces and exploring their potential in fostering learning.
Youth@Work TOTEE meeting 2022.04.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A projekt a Youth@Work nemzetközi együttműködés keretén belül működő Pool of Trainers éves találkozója, melyen startégiai terveket, munkacsoportokat alkotnak a résztvevők. A munkacsoportokban különféle témákban projektterveket készítenek elő, állítanak össze a következő évekre az Erasmus+ és az ESC programok prioritásait figyelembevéve.
ETS COMETS: The digital dimension 2022.04.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This five day learning experience will support advanced trainers in their reflection on the digital dimension in their work as trainers. Activities within the COMETS series are based on the ETS Competence Model for Trainers Working Internationally.
The 4th European event of EGL 2022.04.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Europe Goes Local strategic cooperation will hold its 4th European event on 17-19 May 2022 in Cluj-Napoca. The event brings together 200 stakeholders from municipal level youth work.
Youth Work Recovery Conference 2022.04.29. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Youth Work Recovery Conference will bring policy, practice and research together and discuss the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and crisis on the field of youth work (and its respective actors) across Europe.
Mobility Taster for Inclusion Organisations - EECA - Georgia 2022.05.03. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Did you know you can organise international youth projects for your young people from disadvantaged backgrounds? Come and discover what Erasmus+ Youth/Solidarity Corps can do for you and the young people you work with.
How to successfully carry out the projects I. (on Mental health and Well-being) under ESC program 2022.05.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are you wondering: What to do with volunteers in challenging situations? How to help them to deal with them? How to support volunteers concerning their mental health and well-being?
Training of Trainers for European Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps Projects 2022/2023 2022.05.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The major aim of this long-term training course is to train trainers who have the competences and the motivation to contribute to the improvement of the quality of projects within the Erasmus+ Youth and Solidarity Corps Programmes of the European Union.
LGTBQI+ Youth, a minority within a minority 2022.05.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The activity is a study visit / partnership building activity for LGTBQI+ community who work with LGTBQI+ young people. During the activity there will be a focus on LGTBQI+ Youth work and intersectionality
E-Motions 2022.05.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A training course on Emotional Education, related to the mental health & emotional wellbeing of young people taking part in long-term mobility projects within the European Solidarity Corps that have a relevant emotional dimension.
Youth@Work NOT « doing social business as usual » 2022.05.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
8%. This is more or less the percentage of GDP produced in the EU through social economy activity (civic society and businesses) and more or less the percentage of jobs created from social economy initiatives! And it's rising!
Do IT in Youth Work 2022.05.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The main aim of this training course is to educate youth workers in methods and tools necessary for development of digital competencies of young people.
POSTPONED - Green Fingers - Supporting ESC organisations to address the Sustainability priority. 2022.05.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
To support organisations active in the European Solidarity Corps to address the Sustainability priority.
Municipalities4Democracy - Democracy Reloading training course for municipality youth officers 2022.05.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training course will support municipality staff in desigining, developing and implementing youth participation in decision making and improving local democracy through the use of the Democracy Reloading online Toolkit.
ESC: TOSCA – training and support for organisations active in the volunteering actions in the ESC 2022.05.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training activity aims to support and build up the capacities of organizations that actively participate in volunteering actions of the European Solidarity Corps, in order to ensure quality and impact in the respective projects.
Study visit in Lithuania 2022.05.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
It aims to bring organizations working with youth with intellectual disabilities together, showcase good practices & participation possibilities as well as encourage international cooperation.
Connector 7.0 - Connecting the world by non-formal learning 2022.05.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The 7th edition of Connector aims to create a space and context where people involved in learning become familiar with different non-formal learning methods to be used in inclusion&diversity contexts, including working with migrants and refugees.
Eye Opener in Romania 2022.06.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
In this training course you will learn all the basics to organize and apply for a grant for youth exchanges in Erasmus+ (Youth), with a priority focus on projects concretely involving young people from the very beginning of the process
Star of Europe Portugal 2022.06.06. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Take a step by step journey through a youth exchange project. You will learn all the essentials in organising youth exchanges and can motivate your young people to take an active role through the project with Star of Europe!
Digital Transformers 2022.06.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Do you know how to lead the transformation from offline to online while keeping the best of both worlds in mind? Would you like to be one of the transformers? We are inviting you on a 7-month journey about digital transformation of youth work.
Step into Cooperation Partnerships 2022.06.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course aims to increase competences in developing Cooperation Partnerships within Erasmus+ Youth Key Action 2 to foster sustainable international cooperation, organisational learning, professionalisation and innovation of the youth sector.
Youth@Work Bridges Youth Work and Volunteering Flagship Conference 2022.06.12. 3db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Youth@Work Bridging Conference aims to be a big meeting point for all the passionate professionals that believe that youth work and volunteering create opportunities for the personal and professional development of young people.
SoliDARE - European meeting for organisations in the Solidarity Corps 2022.06.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
What? SoliDARE aims to bring together representatives from organisations and informal groups active in European Solidarity Corps. The event aims to start building up the community of organisations that are part of the European Solidarity Corps network.
Partnership building seminar for local municipality youth workers 2022.06.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This seminar is open for youth workers and specialists from local municipalities who intend to implement international projects for the first time.
“Cherry on the cake” - Youth Exchange in the context of long term work with young people 2022.06.30. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
This 2,5-days training course for youth workers and youth leaders opens a creative space for exploring different quality aspects of Youth Exchanges, such as how to connect them meaningfully with the local youth work.
YOCOMO Training of Trainers 2022-2023 (with online and residential parts) 2022.07.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training aims to bring trainers’ work to the next level. You will learn how to reach a bigger impact with your training course on youth work competences. It will help you to connect your training to the most recent European developments.
Cross Over Prague - Training for Quality in Partnership for Cooperation in the Youth Field 2022.07.14. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The TC aims to contribute to improving the quality of project preparation and implementation, and to achieving a greater positive impact of developed KA2 projects on different levels relevant for youth and the youth field.
TICTAC Training Course & Partnership Building Activity 2022.07.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
TICTAC is a network TC/PBA open for all National Agencies for the Erasmus+ (Youth) and European Solidarity Corps programmes and targets voluntary and professional youth workers and youth leaders.
One 2 One - facilitating learning face to face 2022.07.15. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
5-day training course focusing on the competences (of youth work practitioners) needed to work with young people individually to support their learning and development
Municipalities4Democracy - A youth participation training for municipalities 2022.07.17. 3db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Learn how to successfully involve young people in decision making and strengthen democracy in your municipality.
ETS Trainers‘ Skills Workshop (TSW): Sustainability in European Training activities 2022.07.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The TSW offers a chance to explore sustainability in a broader sense than environmental, share experiences & co-create sustainable practices in trainings. How can we be more sustainable as trainers & what can we do about it in training activities?
APPETISER - An introduction on how to use the ‘E+ Youth’ Programmes for international youth work 2022.07.22. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ Youth and partially to the European Solidarity Corps Programmes.
Adventure Europe 2022.07.22. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course is addressed to youth and social workers who are working in Youth Care and residential care settings and interested in Adventure and experiential learning approaches.
TYE - Tools for Youth Exchanges 2022.07.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A Youth Exchange (YE) needs content, but behind the content are tools. TYE is a training that enables participants to explore tools around group processes, learning, involvement of young people, and how to facilitate these tools during a YE.
Sustainability Academy: building Future(s) Scenarios! 2022.08.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Learn how to support young people with imagining/building desired future scenarios for their communities. This training on sustainable youth work uses Futures Thinking and addresses sustainable development, social entrepreneurship, circular economy.
The Power of Non Formal Education 2022.08.03. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
Anti-racism (youth) work in Vienna 2022.08.07. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
This study visit explores the question how youth work addresses (anti)-racism. During the activity we will hear experts, visit local projects and meet self-advocacy organizations to see and discuss challenges and good practices in anti-racism work.
Star of Europe Denmark 2022.08.12. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Take a step by step journey through a youth exchange project. You will learn how to organise youth exchanges by involving young people at every stage.
Demystifying Youth Participation 2022.08.14. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Do you work with young people? Do you find it challenging to decipher the language and policy associated with youth participation and to translate it to meaningful work with young people? If yes, this training is for you!
Solidarity_Opening the door to new volunteering fields 2022.08.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
We want to open the door to new fields in volunteering! The event aims to bring together different organisations, newcomers and the ones that have experience and are interested in new fields of volunteering.
Forum “BECOMING A YOUTH WORKER” 2022.08.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A two day forum brings together practitioners, policy makers and researchers from the field of education and training of youth workers across Europe to discuss what is and could be the position of education and training in ensuring youth work quality.
European Solidarity Corps Quality Label Experts meeting 2022.08.24. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
International Quality Label Experts meeting is a meeting for internal and external Quality Label experts of National Agencies and SALTO’s.
SNAC DIGI - WP 4 2022.08.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
To the attention of NA colleagues: this meeting is for researcher and NA colleagues.
EYE Opener in Iceland 2022.08.26. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The EYE Opener will provide you with the basics you need to organise and apply for a grant for youth exchanges in Erasmus+: Youth in Action. In this activity we focus on youth-adult pairing (1 adult leader + 1 or 2 youth, 15-18 years old)
Environmental Sustainability in Microcommunities 2022.08.26. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This activity aims to highlight the topics of environmental awareness, permaculture design, eco-community living within the European Solidarity Corps Programme
Erasmus Goes Greener 2022.08.28. 3db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Do you want to make your youth work more environmentally friendly? Are you interested in how to make Erasmus+ and ESC projects greener? If the answer is yes and you are working with young people directly, - then this is the activity for you!
ESC: TOSCA – training and support for organisations active in the volunteering actions in the ESC 2022.08.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training activity aims to support and build up the capacities of organizations that actively participate in volunteering actions of the European Solidarity Corps, in order to ensure quality and impact in the respective projects.
Mobility Taster for Inclusion Organisations - SEE - N-Macedonia 2022.09.01. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Did you know you can organise international youth projects for your young people from disadvantaged backgrounds? Come and discover what Erasmus+ Youth/Solidarity Corps can do for you and the young people you work with.
Tuning In: Learning in Youth Work 2022.09.04. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
We invite youth workers to learn more on how to support learning within youth work. The course focuses on local and international youth work, their learning potential and how youth workers can better support young people in documenting their learning.
Youth@Work: “Connecting policy, research and practice” Conference 2022.09.05. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Despite developments that have taken place with research on youth work there are still gaps both in knowledge of good practices and in process of translating research for policy-makers and practitioners. The Conference will look at these gaps.
Europe goes local Project Lab 2022.09.05. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
This Project Lab is an international training and networking event to strengthen the usage and exploitation of the possibilities offered by the ERASMUS+ and the European Solidarity Corps programmes for youth work at municipal level.
TOSCA – training and support for organisations active in the volunteering actions in the ESC 2022.09.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training activity aims to support and build up the capacities of organizations that actively participate in volunteering actions of the European Solidarity Corps, in order to ensure quality and impact in the respective projects.
Europe Goes Local Project Lab to support rural youth work 2022.09.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
In the framework of the Europe Goes Local project, the Hellenic National Agency of the Erasmus+/Youth and European Solidarity Corps programmes is looking for participants for the Europe Goes Local (EGL) project lab which will focus on rural youth work.
ITFXVI - TOOL FAIR XVI - TOOL UP - your vision on sustainability 2022.09.11. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Event that brings together YW experts all over Europe and BeyondBorders to discuss learn from each other about innovative methods best practices from the field of YW, in order to valorise creativity in non-formal/formal education pedagogical initiatives
"On track 6 REUNION - Different youth work approaches for different NEET situations" 2022.09.13. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
This alumni cross-sectoral conference will address the NEET issues and showcase good practices, with the emphasize on partnership building and cooperation between youth work and other sectors (formal education, employment, social & business sector...).
Star of Europe Finland 2022.09.16. 3db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Take a step by step journey through a youth exchange project. You will learn how to organise youth exchanges by involving young people at every stage.
Youth Participation Forum - Fostering Youth Participation in Democratic Life 2022.09.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Youth Participation Forum will gather the Youth Work Community of Practice for five days in Tallinn, Estonia from October 31 to November 4 to foster quality youth participation in democratic societies.
Seminar on Green & Inclusion 2022.09.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This seminar connects youth workers and experts from the fields of inclusion and green active in the EU Youth Programmes. We’ll explore the links between both fields and co-create the basis for more inclusion in the green transition and climate action.
Youth@Work - Connecting entrepreneurial learning and solidarity opportunities 2022.09.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Connecting entrepreneurial learning & solidarity opportunities The aim of the seminar is to raise awareness of the Erasmus+ Youth, ESC and Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programs to understand how they support and complement each other.
Bitrimulti Luxembourg 2022.09.21. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The aim of the BiTriMulti course is to offer an international learning experience for those active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects, especially newcomers to this field.
ON/OFF – Online and Offline Tools in Youthwork 2022.09.25. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Training course focused on various digital tools, their functionality, usage and synergies between online and offline environment. Second will focus on digital youthwork and gamification in online and offline environments.
Study visit: Youth participation in Finnish municipalities 2022.09.25. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
The purpose of the study visit is to get to know the Finnish youth sector and youth participation work in Finland, especially in the municipal field and locally.
APPETISER (ONLINE) - An introduction on how to use Erasmus+ for international youth work 2022.09.26. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps Programmes.
Green Fingers - Supporting ESC organisations to address the Sustainability priority. 2022.09.26. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
To support organisations active in the European Solidarity Corps to address the Sustainability priority.
ENGAGE IN INCLUSION 2022.09.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A capacity building activity open for youth organizations willing to empower inclusive activities in their work with young people with disabilities and health conditions.
Study Visit - Inclusion of NEET youngsters - Portugal Experience 2022.09.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This Study Visit aims to provide an opportunity to share knowledge, experience and different youth work practices of portuguese organisations within the framework of NEET situations, highlighting the opportunities of Erasmus + and ESC Programmes.
Mental wellness - resilience and mental health at European Solidarity Corps volunteering projects 2022.09.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training course will provide participants with practical psychological and coaching tools to support mental wellness and resilience of ESC volunteers and themselves.
Raising Environmental Awareness 2022.09.30. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Raising Environmental Awareness is critical to maintaining sustainable living at the forefront of people's mind, but it is also a chance to educate people and spread the word to help safeguard nature.
Sustainable local youth work in Slovakia: Powered by Europe Goes Local and Democracy Reloading 2022.10.04. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The study visit will provide insights to the reality of local youth work and youth participation, through visiting three municipalities of the region.
CANCELLED - How to successfully carry out the projects – volunteering 2022.10.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
We invite the representatives of the organisations holding Quality Label to participate in our training. We would like to provide a space in which you can freely exchange your experience and network among other organisations.
Capacity Building "Youth Participation Incubator" 2022.10.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A capacity building opportunity to improve your understanding and practices toward quality youth participation. Learn more about the possibilities within the EU Youth Programmes and how to ensure youth participation priority is properly implemented.
From Projects to Strategies. 2022.10.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The activity aims to support KA1 accredited orgs, Lead orgs with a Quality Label, & orgs interested in obtaining KA1 Erasmus+ accreditation or a QL, in developing a strategic approach to Youth Work activities & International Youth projects.
ESC: TOSCA – training and support for organisations active in the volunteering actions, Türkiye 2022.10.23. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The training activity aims to support and build up the capacities of organizations that actively participate in volunteering actions of the European Solidarity Corps, in order to ensure quality and impact in the respective projects.
Training for Mentors in Volunteering Projects within ESC 2022.10.28. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This 3-day residential TC is focusing on the competences needed for mentors to support young volunteers while in their ESC journey and aims to offer tools and methods but also inspiration to future mentors in ESC volunteering projects.
Youth@Work: Reinforcing the Youth Guarantee - time to increase the impact of the Youth Sector 2022.10.31. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Youth@Work is the link between NGOs and government-led youth initiatives, and it can offer the channel to promote and engage youth actors into national actions on EU Youth Guarantee.
Eye Opener in Czech Republic 2022.10.31. 3db élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course is for youthworkers to participate together with 1 or 2 young people from their organisation. You will learn all the basics to organize and apply for a grant for youth exchanges in Erasmus+.
Seminar to disseminate impact results through RAY and TCA researches 2022.11.05. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The concept of this seminar comes from the need to exploit and disseminate the results of researches carried out at Italian and European levels; in particular the impact of TCA activities and RAY researches.
Mental Health in Youth Work 2022.11.06. 2db élménybeszámoló Részletek
As a youth worker you can promote the mental health of the young people. In this training we approach mental health as a positive resource that we all can support and strengthen. You will get new inspiration, tools and perspectives for your work.
Roads to recognition of Youth Work 2022.11.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Within the framework of the European Year of Youth, Hellenic Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs acting as the coordinator, aims to proceed with the recognition of youth work in Greece.
Towards Collaborative Practice (TCP) Forum on “Digital and Social Innovation for Social Inclusion 2022.11.07. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
“Towards Collaborative Practice” (TCP) Forum is a cross-sectoral event exploring the potential of youth work and Erasmus+ to foster social entrepreneurship, digital and social innovation among young people
Short Study Visit on Inclusion and Solidarity 2022.11.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The Study visit will provide the possibility to gather, explore and discuss practices and experiences within ESC, focused on solidarity, and inclusion and diversity. The activity is organised within European Solidarity Corps Programme.
Contact Making Seminar on Volunteering, digital and green 2022.11.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This seminar is aimed at fostering reflection and exchange of practices (good and bad) in volunteering projects about two of the main priorities in ESC Programme, digital transformation and climate change and green policies.
Youth Arts as a means of Political Participation 2022.11.14. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Are you interested in exploring the power of arts in political activism? If you would like to learn how to promote your message through arts and connect with international like -minded creatives this training is for you.
Study Visit "Youth Work Reality in Azerbaijan" 2022.11.16. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Azerbaijan is the country with the highest percentage of youth in the Eastern Partnership. We invite you to explore Azerbaijan's youth sector and discover opportunities for a future partnership! The Land of Fire is waiting for you!
EUROPEAN YEAR OF YOUTH 2022-ANTALYA FORUM 2022.11.29. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
#EYY2022 Antalya Forum aims to bring together youth workers engaged in activities within the scope of EUROPEAN YEAR OF YOUTH 2022.
BiTriMulti Training Course 2022.12.02. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
BiTriMulti Training Course is designed for voluntary and professional youth workers working directly with young people who are interested in setting up international youth exchange projects.
Look up! Critical thinking in and about youth work 2022.12.05. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
In this training course, we will tackle the topic of critical thinking from different angles. We will not only explore together what critical thinking is, but will also critically reflect on ourselves and the society we are living in.
An Eye on Employability & Entrepreneurship 2022.12.07. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This online seminar aims to explore the concept of employability and entrepreneurship, connected tools and methodologies and its potential towards young people within the frame of European Solidarity Corps (ESC).
APPETISER - An introduction on how to use the Erasmus+ Youth Programmes for international youth work 2022.12.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ Youth and partially to the European Solidarity Corps Programmes.
Star of Europe Latvia 2022.12.15. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
Take a step-by-step journey through a youth exchange project. You will learn how to organise youth exchanges by involving young people at every stage.
Online Challenge - E+/ESC Projects focused on youth participation 2022.12.18. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Support young people in submitting youth participation projects to the Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programmes, by the first deadline, on February 2023.
Crisis Management in Volunteering projects 2023.01.03. 1db élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course is for those involved in volunteering projects and wish to improve their crisis management skills, gain knowledge about crisis management, practical methods and information.
Sustain-Mobility - EPLM Conference 2023.01.08. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Sustain-Mobility is the fourth conference of the European Platform on Learning Mobility (EPLM) in the youth field, building on the quality delivered through the collaborative approach of Learning Mobility institutions and Programmes in Europe.
Erasmus+/Youth Accreditation: A strategic approach 2023.01.09. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Erasmus+ accreditation is a tool for organisations that want to open up their activities to cross-border exchange and cooperation, and that plan to implement learning mobility activities on a regular basis.
International Solidarity Project Meet-Up 2023.01.11. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The “International Solidarity Project Meet-Up” is an international meeting for Solidarity Project team members. It will bring together young people who are implementing, or have implemented a Solidarity Project.
TYE - Tools for Youth Exchanges (IS, 2023) 2023.01.11. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A Youth Exchange (YE) needs content, but behind the content there are tools. TYE is a training that enables participants to explore tools around group processes, learning, involvement of young people, and how to facilitate these tools during a YE.
Eye Opener for NEET Organisations 2023.01.13. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training course is for youth workers to participate together with 1 or 2 young people from their organisation. You will learn all the basics to organize and apply for a grant for youth exchanges in Erasmus+.
YOCOMO - be(come) civically engaged 2023.01.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
We invite youth workers to join us in this new YOCOMO course, to reflect upon and explore the ‘Being Civically Engaged’ competence in European youth work practices, contexts and (personal and organisational) cultures.
Call for Digital Transformers 2023.01.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
How to lead the transformation of youth work from offline to online while keeping the best of both worlds in mind? Would you like to be one of the digital transformers? We are inviting you on a 4-month journey on digital transformation in youth work.
Inclusion & Diversity Forum 2023 2023.01.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The ID Forum is an international conference organised by SALTO Inclusion & Diversity every two years to create greater visibility for inclusion & diversity in the EU youth programmes and build bridges between National Agency officers, beneficiaries, researchers and policymakers.
Networking Activities ESC Programme: INTERNATIONAL TRAINING COURSE FOR COACHES IN ESC PROGRAMME 2023.01.15. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This training aims at supporting professionals involved in European Solidarity Corps on how to use coaching techniques for the development, participation, and empowerment of young people in non-formal learning activities in the Programme.
Youth@Work - Tools for Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship 2023.01.20. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Youth@Work - “Tools for Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship” is designed as an interactive event, providing a space for exchanging tools and methods that support youth economic participation.
fYOUture of YOUth 2023.01.22. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
fYOUture of YOUth is a Youth Voicing Conference with participants in the center of the process and elaborating a resolution on the future of youth in Europe.
Net Activities ESC Programme: International Training Course for Mentors of ESC Volunteers 2023.01.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This TC for ESC volunteering projects mentors aims at raising awareness of the importance of the mentors' role as well as developing competences necessary for carrying out quality mentorship in volunteering projects.
My Europe, My Say 2023.01.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
How can youth work support active citizenship and participation of young people? Ahead of the EU elections 2024, we would like to explore activities and tools to support youngsters in playing their role in the European project.
ETS Trainer Skills Workshop – How to support wellbeing in training practices 2023.02.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Join us in exploring trainers’ wellbeing competences in a training context, as well as your capacity to care for the wellbeing of your participants.
Youth@Work - The impact of youth work on youth employability and entrepreneurship 2023.02.01. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The seminar focuses on youth work, entrepreneurship and employability. It aims to bring attention to the impact that youth work has on supporting young people’s employability and entrepreneurship.
Digital Youth Work - State of Play - Moving Forward 2023.02.10. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The dissemination event “Digital Youth Work - State of Play - Moving Forward” brings together youth work stakeholders to experience results and learning obtained from the strategic National Agency cooperation on Digital Youth Work.
EAT SNAC_STUDY VISIT: Inclusive Youth Work Practice 2023.02.12. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This study visit will give the participants an overview of different services for young people coming from marginalised backgrounds in Cork, Ireland.
Online Learning in European Year of Youth 2023.02.17. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
The European Year of Youth highlighted the importance of European youth to build a better future - greener, more inclusive and digital.
ETS COMETS Solidarity - The GLOW of value-based-learning 2023.02.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Time to explore solidarity as a value in your training work and discover what role core values are playing in diverse training situations, and which are the ways to integrate them better.
Study visit on Local Youth Work - Lithuania 2023 2023.02.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This study visit aims to explore youth work in Lithuania.
Innovation, Creativity and Advocacy in Youth Work 2023.02.19. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This partner finding event, co-organised by Youth Work Ireland, will provide space for likeminded youth organisations with an interest and history of doing youth work to connect, and build potential partnerships for future youth mobility projects.
Study Visit in Czech Organisations Involved in Volunteering 2023.02.24. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
This Study visit will provide a possibility for participants to meet, explore and discuss practices and experiences in order to get inspired and network. The focus will be on the topics of environment and combining formal and non-formal education.
The Power of Non Formal Education - Germany 2023.02.26. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
With this training we want to improve the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
Mentoring under Construction – international seminar on mentoring within ESC programme in Vilnius 2023.02.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
Mentoring under Construction is a process of exploration and community building in the landscape of mentoring within the European Solidarity Corps.
A Training for Beginner Trainers 2023 2023.02.27. Nincs elérhető élménybeszámoló Részletek
A Training for Beginner Trainers is a 5 day international training course focused on developing competences linked with the design of trainings, activities and learning experiences in the field of youth work.
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