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VulnerABILITY: An alternative approach to prevent radicalisation among young people

Jelentkezés a képzésre
Határidő: 2018.04.13.

Training Course
3-9 June 2018 | Brussels, Belgium - FR

for 24 participants
from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom

and recommended for
Youth workers, Project managers

Working language(s): English

Bureau International Jeunesse (National Agency)

NA GR (National Agency)
NA NL (National Agency)
NA IT (National Agency)

Youth work, through non-formal and informal learning, contributes to this movement by fostering active citizenship and social participation of young people. In this frame, youth work contribute to generic
prevention that targets all young people by equipping them with life competences, reinforcing their
resilience and strengthening democratic values.
Many studies show that young people can become radicalised for a multitude of reasons, such as a lack of integration into society, disengagement of social groups, ideological opposition and exposure to violent
extremist groups. Personal, cultural, economical and social context also affect this radicalisation process. With so many factor making young people vulnerable, we believe that vulnerability as such should be taken as a “serious matter” and not only as a symptom.
In modern society, vulnerability is generally seen as a weakness and an obstacle to succeed in social life.
This negative view also affect youth workers, their perceptions and ways of working. Although several
programs for youth workers are designed to train them to prevent radicalization among young people,
these generally under explore the potential of vulnerability as an approach to connect with youngsters that feel a strong disconnection and a lost sense of belonging with society.
This training course aims to support youth workers to develop their competences in understanding
vulnerability and exploring its potential in reinforcing young people self confidence. In this training course participants will experience a positive approach of vulnerability which is a key element in establishing true connections with young people. We will explore vulnerability through non-formal education and exper-
iential learning methods.

The objectives for this training course are:

  • to establish a general framework on the process of radicalisation and polarisation;
  • to provide participants with concepts and theoretical background about vulnerability and its role within the process of radicalisation and polarisation;
  • to provide participants with a deeper understanding of vulnerability on a personal and interpersonal level;
  • to explore the potential of vulnerability as an approach for empowering young people in their realities;
  • to share tools and good practices of engaging with vulnerable groups in an international context;
  • to visit a local initiative working on prevention of radicalisation in Molenbeek, Belgium.

This training course has place for 24 participants.
We are looking for youth workers and social workers who are:

  • 18 and up;
  • working with young people;
  • motivated to work on the topic of vulnerability and prevention of radicalisation;
  • active in their local organisations/communities;
  • able to work in English;
  • able to multiply and implement the outcomes of the training course within their local/national/international work.

The methodology will be participant-centered, based on non-formal education, experiential learning and
intercultural learning; working methods will be diverse and interactive in order to ensure a balance
between sharing, theory, practice and visits.
The main activities will be: working groups, guided self-reflection, workshops and a local visit. Provision of information and referent documents will be used in order to meet participants learning preferences and the training learning objectives.

Training overview

This project is financed by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your Erasmus+: Youth in Action NA to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.

Note: Hungarian applicants are expected to apply on a Hungarian and on an English application form, too.

Jelentkezési lap
Kódszám a jelentkezéshez: 2017-1-HU01-KA218-000167

Application form in English

Application deadline: 13 April 2018
Date of selection: 27 April 2018

Contact for questions:

Gulácsi Ildikó / Ms Ildikó Gulácsi
TCA koordinátor / TCA coordinator

Tempus Közalapítvány / Tempus Public Foundation 
1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
1438 Budapest 70, Pf. 508.
T: (+36 1) 237 1300 |  F: (+36 1) 239 1329
www.tka.hu  |  www.eplusifjusag.hu

Tempus Közalapítvány
Erasmus+ ifjúsági csoport:
1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
E-mail: info@tpf.hu
Tel.:(+36 1) 237-1300
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