Training Course
5-9 December 2018 | Slovak Republic
for 25 participants
from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom
and recommended for
Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth policy makers, -representative of municipalities responsible for youth policy/youth field, representatives of youth parliaments, youth councils, unsuccessful KA3 applicants
Working language(s):
IUVENTA- Slovak Youth Institute, Slovak NA E+ (National Agency)
The training course "Participation out of office" is a 5 full days training course, where participants will experience an intense learning process that will develop their competences to better understand the concept of youth participation and use it in their work with young people, while gaining new tools and methods for working together with public authorities.
Specific objectives:
The TC offers to obtain international learning experience for youth workers, youth leaders and representants of municipalities responsible for youth policy/youth field and allows them to develop their competencies in the introduction and applying of new methods and forms of active participation of young people at local, national and international levels within the Structured dialogue projects of the programme Erasmus+ Youth in action. At the same time they will improve the quality in planning, implementing and evaluating a project under KA3 (support to Policy Reform) within Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme.
Participants will have an opportunity to evaluate how can a national and international project of Structured dialogue contribute to solving their local issues.
The training course is aimed for participants who:
Participation fee
This project is financed by the participating NAs of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme. The participation fee varies from country to country. Please contact your NA to learn more about the participation fee for participants from your country.
Accommodation and food
The hosting National Agency of this offer will organise the accommodation and covers the costs for accommodation and food.
Travel reimbursement
Your sending National Agency will support your travel costs. After being selected, please contact your NA to learn more about how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.
Note: Hungarian applicants are expected to apply on a Hungarian and on an English application form, too.
Jelentkezési lap
Kódszám a jelentkezéshez: 2018-1-HU01-KA218-000075
Application form in English - Figyelem! A kitöltött jelentkezési lapot a címre kérjük elküldeni!
Application deadline: 26 November 2018
Date of selection: 30 November 2018
Contact for questions:
Pável Luca / Ms Luca Pável
TCA referens / TCA officer
Tempus Közalapítvány / Tempus Public Foundation
1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
1438 Budapest 70, Pf. 508.
T: (+36 1) 237 1300 / 322 | F: (+36 1) 239 1329 |