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Jelentkezés a képzésre
Határidő: 2016.09.18.

Training Course
3-7 November 2016 | Portugal

For 30 participants from Austria, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Eastern Partnership countries, Western Balkan countries

Recommended for: Youth workers, EVS mentors/tutors, EVS project managers

Working language(s): English

Organizer: YiA National Agency Portugal (National Agency)
Co-organizers: SALTO T&C RC (coordinator) & SALTO SEE (selecting applicants and financing travel costs of participants from SEE region) (SALTO)
Participating NAs (selecting applicants and financing travel costs) (National Agency)

SOHO aims at enhancing quality of EVS projects through development of essential competences of support persons. It also provides up-to-date information to its participants on the opportunities given by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme.
The SOHO training course is designed for those who are directly involved in the support system around the EVS volunteer (e.g. mentors and task-related support persons) on the hosting, sending and coordinating side. The support people play a crucial role in providing conditions for a quality voluntary service and creating opportunities for volunteer’s learning in EVS.

The overall aim of the SOHO training course is:
• To increase the quality of EVS activities through development of competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes) of key actors involved in the support system around the volunteer in the EVS projects developed within the frame of the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme.

The specific objectives of the SOHO course are:
• To get a better understanding of the concept of EVS as “learning service” and related quality aspects in EVS
• To improve the ability for co-operation and working in international partnership
• To reflect on the roles, responsibilities and challenges within the EVS volunteer support system
• To raise awareness of the learning dimension in EVS and provide tools for learning support
• To support the recognition of non-formal learning in EVS through the competent implementation of Youthpass
• To provide up-to-date information about the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme.

In addition to this, SOHO training is an excellent opportunity for EVS support persons to exchange their experiences, share good practices and for informal partnership building. All previous SOHO participants are most welcome to join the SOHO community at https://www.facebook.com/soho.trainers thus continuing networking after the course.

The network of National Agencies for Erasmus+: Youth in Action organises a series of SOHOs each year. You'll find an overview on all the upcoming SOHOs at http://www.salto-youth.net/SOHO/.nd an overview on all the upcoming SOHOs at http://www.salto-youth.net/SOHO/.

Available downloads

Costs: This project is financed by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your NA or your SALTO EECA RC (eeca@salto-youth.net) / SALTO SEE (sse@salto-youth.net) to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.

Application deadline: 18 September 2016
Date of selection: 30 September 2016

Training overview

Note: Hungarian applicants are expected to apply on a Hungarian and on an English application form, too.

Hungarian application form, more information and conditions:

Jelentkezési lap 

Project code by the Hungarian NA: 16108

Application form in English


For any questions or more information please contact:

Szőke Zsófia

Család-, Ifjúság- és Népesedéspolitikai Intézet
Institute for Family, Youth and Population Policy 
HU-1134 Budapest, Tüzér utca 33-35.
Tel: +36 1 237 6763 
E-mail: zsofia.szoke@csini-int.hu

Tempus Közalapítvány
Erasmus+ ifjúsági csoport:
1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
E-mail: info@tpf.hu
Tel.:(+36 1) 237-1300
Ugródeszka Ifjúsági Hírlevél:

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