Quality Matters seminar – A cross sectoral approach to mobility projects within Erasmus+
Seminar / Conference
4-7 May 2016 | Konstancin-Jeziorna near Warszawa, Poland
This Seminar / Conference is
for 50 participants
from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, KOSOVO * UN RESOLUTION, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Russian Federation, Serbia, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Project managers, EVS mentors/tutors, those who take care of the preparation of participants for the mobility
Working language(s): English
Polish National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme (National Agency)
Erasmus+ UK National Agency | Ecorys UK (National Agency)
The main objective of the Seminar is to create space for sharing knowledge, experience and best practice with regards to supporting and preparing participants for their transnational mobility experience in SECTORS of ERASMUS+ (AE, SE, VET, Youth & HE)
Delivering high quality mobility is a key driver of the Erasmus+ programme and for those responsible for implementing KA1 mobility projects across Europe.
Based on the combined experience of the National Agency and feedback from beneficiaries, the two key areas in ensuring high quality mobility experience are preparation and evaluation. Ensuring participants receive an adequate level of cultural, sectoral, pedagogical and linguistic support in advance of their mobility will help to manage expectations as well as supporting them during their transnational experience. In addition to this, the feedback given by participants and partners alike following the mobility experience and how to implement any recommendations will help to ensure a good standard of quality moving forward.
With this in mind the main objective of the Quality Matters seminar will be to create a space for sharing knowledge, experience and best practice when delivering these areas of mobility projects.
With this said, those responsible for implementing these mobility projects; education and / or training staff, lecturers support workers etc. play a crucial role developing these competencies and tools for ensuring quality and would benefit most from the seminar
Therefore we would like to invite participants from all five sectors of Erasmus+ programme to participate in the seminar; exploring tools and sharing best practice, in order to improve the delivery of their future mobility projects and reach the objectives of Erasmus+ programme in general.
The seminar will specifically focus on:
• cultural preparation
• transfer of experience and knowledge
• mobility as a learning proces
With the specific aims:
a. to identify what are the key factors for quality preparation and evaluation of the participant
b. to identify differences and similarities between sectoral approaches to mobility support
c. to transfer best practices and tools between sectors
d. to promote mobility as a learning process.
The seminar will provide a space to discover the similarities and differences between sectors, discuss challenges, identify which practices can be transferred and how to ensure that the mobility experience brings about the expected Erasmus+ effects for participants, beneficiaries, partners and society.
We invite:
• People working directly with mobility participants in terms of providing pre- departure or post- placement support.
• People with experience of managing at least one realized mobility project
Seminar is open to: People supporting mobility in Erasmus + sectors (AE, SE, VET, HE and Youth) and working directly with the participants of mobility within sectors of Erasmus+.
Costs: This project is financed by the Erasmus+ Programme. Being selected for this Seminar, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the seminar will be covered by the NAs involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your NA to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.
Before applying you must contact your Erasmus+ National Agency to ensure they are supporting this activity.
Interested applicants from Partner Countries please contact your regional SALTO.
Application deadline: 28 February 2016
Date of selection: 21 March 2016
Note: Hungarian applicants are expected to apply on a Hungarian and on an English application form, too.
Hungarian application form, more information and conditions:
Project code for the Hungarian NA: 15101
For any questions or more information please contact:
Járosi Éva
Család-, Ifjúság- és Népesedéspolitikai Intézet
Erasmus+ Ifjúsági Programiroda - Erasmus+ Youth National Agency
1134 Budapest, Tüzér utca 33-35.
Tel: +36 1 237 6765
E-mail: eva.jarosi@csini-int.hu