Training Course
23-28 May 2016 | Hungary-Slovenia
The application deadline is 18th of April 2016.
This Training Course is
for 20 participants
from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Western Balkan countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, KOSOVO * UN RESOLUTION, Montenegro, Serbia
and recommended for
Youth workers, Youth leaders, EVS mentors/tutors
Working language(s): English; but translation can be provided
Hungarian National Agency (National Agency)
Slovakian National Agency of Erasmus+youth (National Agency)
Czech National Agency of Erasmus+ Youth (National Agency)
The cross-country training course aims to show good, interesting and exciting
examples of education and youth work within the Roma community and Erasmus+.
Youth chapter within Erasmus+ programme is a main tool at European Union level to support
youth which provides opportunities for non-formal learning for young people through mobility and
intercultural dialogue. In the frame of the Erasmus+ programme an Inclusion and Diversity Strategy
has been designed to ensure the access of young people with fewer opportunities. Young people from Roma
communities can see themselves represented in several of these areas, and as such often suffer from multiple
discrimination and lack of opportunities.
The aim of the training course is to offer an opportunity for Roma (youth) organizations to get to know and share good and exciting examples from other countries
in order to become more involved in the Erasmus+ programme, to present opportunities for international
projects and see and to meet potential future partners.Furthermore this training course is a great opportunity
to deepen the cooperation of the Visegrad 4 countries, which share the same history and reality in the society.
The first party of the cross-country training course will take place in Hungary and the second part in Slovenia.
The programme will start on 23rd May at 14:00 and end on 28th May.
The training course will be a combination of study visit and seminar.
We are looking for participants who
• are at least 18 years old
• have some experience in organizing projects at least on local level
• have motivation and plans to cooperate with other Roma organisations on international level
• are active members of Roma organisations
• have experience working with Roma Youth (youngsters aged 13 and older)
• will be able to attend the whole training course (5 full days)
We can accept up to two people from the same organization – in this case one should have English knowledge on conversational level.
You can apply by filling in the attached application form in English (if needed, ask someone to help you) and return it to your National Agency or Contact Point.
Participants will be informed about the selection latest by the 26th of April 2016.
Accommodation, food and programme costs will be fully covered by the organisers.
Travel costs to the seminar and back will be covered by the National Agencies of the Erasmus+:Youth in Action Programme, so please contact your respective National Agency for more information.
This project is financed by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs or SALTO involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your Erasmus+: Youth in Action NA to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses. If you come from a country other than Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme Countries, please contact the host Erasmus+: Youth in Action
NA for further information about the financial details.( for sending NAs: the TC is financed from TCA 2015 budget)!
Note: Hungarian applicants are expected to apply on a Hungarian and on an English application form, too.
Hungarian application form, more information and conditions:
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Kódszám a jelentkezéshez: 15086
Application to
Application form in English
Contact for questions:
Halász Dóra
programkoordinátor/ programme officer
YiA 1.2, E+ KA1- youth exchange, KA2
NCSSZI – Erasmus+ Ifjúsági Programiroda
NIFSP – Erasmus+ Youth National Agency
HU-1134 Budapest, Tüzér utca 33-35.
Tel: +36 1 237 6765 /Fax: +36 1 237 6760