Written by: Guerrero Rosa Silvia
Since a few years ago, I've been working on NEET issue with my youth organization in Spain and nowadays studying about the topic and as an independent researcher. Also, I'm trying to organize activities related to the topic with organizations in Budapest and create a new brand organization here that will work with art as a tool of education.
Attending the conference was an extremely interesting experience, where I had the chance to connect with other youth workers and organization from all over Europe, Middle East and Northern Africa. I would like to use those connections to organize activities, K1 and K2 actions partnering with some of those organizations and also participating in study visits. Finally, I would like to involve one school in Budapest and one NGO to organize a book club activity with NEET youth as a target.
I'm planning to use my social networks, e-mails and also organize an introductory session about the topic that I will offer to the organization Artemisszió Alapítvány as part of the book club.
Also, as part of the continuation of my studies in Cultural Mediation, I would like to dedicate a chapter to this topic and also the future activities organized in Budapest.
I've learned about a lot of resources and useful information and I would like to share some of it here: The Bonn Process , Compass , European Year of Youth 2022 , Moving forward in solidarity , T-kit 14 , Research-based analysis of European youth programmes , Council of European Union , ON TRACK 6 Padlet
Thanks so much for the opportunity, Tempus Public Foundation!