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Határidő: 2017.11.10.E-learning
16 October - 20 November 2017 | online (No venue)
This MOOC will equip you with the basic knowledge and understanding how to use Erasmus+ funding opportunities. The course starts on 16 October, you can join till 10 of November.
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Erasmus+ Youth is made for you if:
- you are a youth worker, youth leader, if you work with young people or belong to an informal group of young people
- you have heard about Erasmus+ but you don’t know so much about it
- you have already applied within Erasmus+ but haven’t been lucky
- you would like to learn more about European youth cooperation but don’t know how to start
This MOOC will equip you with the basic knowledge and understanding how to use various funding opportunities and fulfil the funding requirements for international youth exchanges, European Voluntary Service, mobility of youth workers, and Structured Dialogue projects (KA3).
This MOOC provides an overview of the purpose, priorities, and expected impact of the European Union’s funding programme Erasmus+ Youth. Learn how you can get involved in European youth cooperation and make a positive impact on your youth group, organisation, and community.
You will also learn how to start developing youth exchange and volunteering projects, training activities and youth participation projects. You will discover good practice examples, tips and hints for developing good quality projects. You will have the opportunity to network with other participants of this course and share your knowledge and ideas with them.
It will give you a better understanding why and how the programme was developed and you will get the ideas and motivation to go forward and put your knowledge into practice.
The course starts on 16th October 2017 but you can still enrol until 10th of November to get the full impression on the contents of the course.
Topics include:
Module 1: Introduction to Erasmus+ Youth
Module 2: Key-action 1 | Youth Exchanges
Module 3: Key-action 1 | European Voluntary Service
Module 4: Key-action 1 | Mobility of youth workers
Module 5: Key-action 3 | Structured Dialogue
Module 6: Application procedures
Working language(s):
English with subtitles in Czech, English, Georgian, Hungarian, Polish and Slovak languages
Deadline: 10 November 2017
Although the European Training Calendar at SALTO website requests an application deadline for offers, the MOOC offers users to enter the course while it has already started, BUT you should enter the course not later than 10 November 2017 via this link ( - in case the deadline to apply for this course has already passed on the SALTO-YOUTH website.
Contact for questions:
Járosi Éva
pályázati koordinátor
Tempus Közalapítvány / Tempus Public Foundation
1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
1438 Budapest 70, Pf. 508.
T: (+36 1) 237 1300 | F: (+36 1) 239 1329 |