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“One 2 One” – supporting learning face-to-face - CANCELLED

Jelentkezés a képzésre SALTO jelentkezés
Határidő: 2020.01.31.


Training Course
23-29 March 2020 | Hattingen, Germany

for 24 participants participants
from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Western Balkan countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, KOSOVO * UN RESOLUTION, Montenegro

and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches

Working language(s):

SALTO Training & Cooperation Resource Centre (SALTO Resource Centre)

German National Agency (JUGEND für Europa) (National Agency)

Have you ever felt confused about your role with the young people you work with? Do they see you as a coach? Mentor? Tutor? Can you work with groups, but find it difficult to work with individuals? Have you never had a tetralemma? YES?

Then this course is for you!

Context and background of this training course:
In several areas of the European youth programmes, youth workers and trainers are increasingly required to be able not only to work with groups of young people but, also, to accompany individuals through the various learning, professional and personal development processes on offer.

Although one-to-one dialogue may seem like an obvious and natural form of communication, for youth work practitioners it has also become a professional requirement. Therefore many youth workers feel they need training in order to appropriately support young people through their individual development and learning processes.

We are very happy to invite you to apply for the 5th edition of this successful course, which will be held in Hattingen, Germany.

“One 2 One” is a little play on words. One 2 one means face to face i.e. the individual relationship, which we are focusing on during the training course.

The aims and objectives of this training course:
The main aim of this course is to empower and equip youth workers with the competences needed to work in a One 2 One relationship with young people in order to support their learning and development processes.

Within this, we seek:

  • To explore what “supporting learning” means in one-to-one relationships;
  • To practice different one-2-one learning support methods and approaches;
  • To develop the skill of initiating & supporting self-reflection about learning;
  • To reflect on how supporting learning individually and in groups complement and influence each other;
  • To exchange about various types of contexts (from local youth work to international mobilities) and approaches such as mentoring, coaching and tutoring.

The course will be based on and supported by the following publications:
One 2 One – Supporting Learning Face to Face
The Competence Model for Youth workers to work internationally
Within the training course you will also learn more about how to implement the Youthpass process. 

Target group and profile of participants:
Professionals and volunteers – youth workers and/or youth leaders, youth trainers, mentors, educators etc. :

  • who have minimum one year of experience in working with young people (be it in local youth work or international mobility context);
  • motivated to develop the competences needed to work in  One 2 One relationships;
  • minimum 18 years old;
  • able to actively participate in English.

The learning process and the programme of the training course:
In order to provide the possibility for participants to experience being supported individually in their own learning process, the training course is extended by One 2 One talks with the trainers both before and after the course. Each participant will be accompanied by the same trainer throughout.

Before the training course: Participant and trainer One 2 One talk by Skype
During the training course: Participant and trainer One 2 One talk
After the training course: Participant and trainer One 2 One talk by Skype

What you can expect:
The preliminary programme of the course is presented in the attached brochure and will be adjusted according to participants' expressed needs and expectations during the One 2 One talks by Skype.

Monika Kezaite is a trainer from Lithuania. She has been involved in youthwork since 2000, mostly in the field of volunteering. She has gathered experience in building individual relationships with young people while preparing volunteers for their long-term programmes, as well as consulting trainees in their educational path. Monika trains at both national and European levels. You can meet her in SALTO - YOUTH trainings like SOHO.

Hazel Low - Scottish, living in France, is a freelance trainer. From a youth work background, she has specialised in issues of inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, volunteering, participation and empowerment. Active in the European training field for more than twenty years, she has been a member of the team in the SALTO - YOUTH long term training course “Training of Trainers”. She has been trained in coaching and has extensive experience in accompanying individuals' learning processes.

Mark E. Taylor is a relatively nice dinosaur who freelances and plays ukulele from his current base in Strasbourg, France. He has been involved in the development of Youthpass since the beginning. You can find him around the place facilitating meetings, training, running workshops and consulting for organisations. One of his passions is to be found in writing what he hopes are useful educational publications. A founding member and now editor of Coyote magazine, he is also editor of the Tools for Learning magazine.

Available downloads: 121 probrochure 2019.pdf

Training overview

Hogyan lehet jelentkezni?
Kérjük, egyaránt töltse ki az idegen nyelvű (SALTO) és a magyar nyelvű jelentkezési lapot! 

A részvétel költségei:
A résztvevők nemzetközi utazását, ill. biztosítási költségeit a Tempus Közalapítvány Erasmus+ ifjúsági csoport, a külföldi szállás és étkezés, valamint a programhoz kapcsolódó költségeket a fogadó nemzeti iroda vagy a szervező fedezi.

A résztvevő, a programra történő utazása során felmerülő egyéb utazási költségeket (transzfer költségek) - mint a programhoz történő résztvevői hozzájárulást - fizeti. Amennyiben a transzfer költségek együttes összege a 10.000 forintot meghaladja, úgy a Közalapítvány egyéni kérelem benyújtását követően - egyedi elbírálás alapján - a 10.000 forint feletti összeget megtéríti a résztvevő részére.

Jelentkezési határidő: 2020. január 31.
Értesítés a jelentkezés eredményéről: 2020. február 10.

Gulácsi Ildikó / Ms Ildikó Gulácsi
TCA-NET koordinátor / TCA-NET coordinator

Tempus Közalapítvány / Tempus Public Foundation 
1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
1438 Budapest 70, Pf. 508.
T: (+36 1) 237 1300 |  F: (+36 1) 239 1329
www.tka.hu  |  www.eplusifjusag.hu  |  www.eusolidaritycorps.hu

Tempus Közalapítvány
Erasmus+ ifjúsági csoport:
1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
E-mail: info@tpf.hu
Tel.:(+36 1) 237-1300
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