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My Vote – My Impact. Europe Behind the Scenes

Jelentkezés a képzésre
Határidő: 2019.01.16.

18-22 February 2019 | Lultzhausen, Luxembourg

for 30 participants
from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom

and recommended for
Youth workers, Youth project managers, Youth multipliers

Working language(s):

Anefore asbl (National Agency)

Service national de la Jeunesse (Others)

Nowadays Europe is challenged from different sides: as the first country, the United Kingdom is leaving the European Union, more and more membership countries are putting their country first and withdrawing their solidarity with others, nationalism and radicalisation are rising as migration and economical instability are growing.

In the light of those (and many other) challenges the elections to the European Parliament in May 2019 are considered as one of the most important election for the future of Europe. The seminar “My Vote – My Impact!” wants to address those current European challenges and discuss the future of Europe.

We believe, that the 2019 elections for European Parliament are a great opportunity. Voting is essential for a functioning democracy. The voting turnout - also among young people - is often not as high as we wish and need them to be. This Seminar wants to offer a space, where youth workers and multipliers can learn more about Europe and the upcoming elections, share experience and create new ideas for how to increase the impact on democratic processes in order to be able to carry the spirit of Europe and democracy back to their local communities and to the young people they work with.

The seminar “My Vote – My Impact” offers:

  • some basic knowledge about Europe and the European Union.
  • a visit of the European Parliament in Brussels to take a close up look at the democratic body, that’s up for election,
  • getting to know different activities on how to have an impact on European, democratic procedures,
  • meeting with people from initiatives from / with young people,
  • a space to discuss and exchange our views about the future of Europe, and how to actively take part,
  • ideas and inspiration to promote elections among and with young people.

Training overview

Participation fee
This project is financed by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to the participation in the course will be covered by the NAs involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from country to country. Please contact your Erasmus+: Youth in Action NA to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses. In general the sending Agency will take over the travel costs and the hosting Agency the accommodation costs and meals.

Note: Hungarian applicants are expected to apply on a Hungarian and on an English application form, too.

Jelentkezési lap
Kódszám a jelentkezéshez: 20191

Application form in English

Application deadline: 16 January 2019
Date of selection: 25 January 2019

Contact for questions:
Pável Luca / Ms Luca Pável
TCA referens / TCA Officer

Tempus Közalapítvány / Tempus Public Foundation 
1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
1438 Budapest 70, Pf. 508.
T: (+36 1) 237 1300 |  F: (+36 1) 239 1329
www.tka.hu  |  www.eplusifjusag.hu  |  www.eusolidaritycorps.hu

Tempus Közalapítvány
Erasmus+ ifjúsági csoport:
1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
E-mail: info@tpf.hu
Tel.:(+36 1) 237-1300
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